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  1. Morto18

    New to group

    I will be taking photos as I pull it apart but back at work now so won't be till late January or February
  2. Morto18

    New to group

    Hey bud low kms will upload photo
  3. Morto18

    New to group

    Oil was ok and it has only done just over 31k so **** all for a 15 year old bike
  4. Morto18

    New to group

    Oil was ok the hole back off bike was covered in oil by the time I got home
  5. Morto18

    New to group

    So this is a common thing to happen with the rockets
  6. Morto18

    New to group

    No pot hole mate just changing down gears from 3rd to second and bang wasn't far from home so I put it in top gear and rode it home
  7. Morto18

    New to group

    Hey mate cheers WA I'm from there now live in the NT
  8. Morto18

    New to group

    Hey mate thanks for the heads up I uploaded a photo there is a bigger hole underneath as well. So it was inside the gears
  9. Morto18

    New to group

    Hi all, I have a 2004 Triumph Rocket 3 which has just blew out the final drive unit. I'm wondering if it's pricey to fix, costly, time consuming and where parts would be available. Especially in Australia. Any info would be great! Thanks
  10. Morto18

    New to group

    Rocket 3