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  1. Coolant

    if it is red use a red vise verses, i would change the thermostata, radator cap and look at the hoses coolant should be changed every 2 years this will save you money in the long run. i also use a little pipe sealant the white liquid type for where the pipe goes on as you will seal better and...
  2. Front Fork Oil Weight

    higher the number the harder it will be oil is cheep have a play you won't hurt it
  3. Bevel Case Oil Change

    change the oil more the sludge will not build up and or flush out
  4. Turbo questions

    love to see some pics when you fab
  5. New for me rocket

    best penis extension ever, i love playing with it, polishing it, looking at it, even the missus enjoys a ride, forget the rest after the first ride of you life that you'll never forget, leaving you shaking and drooling for more. i love my rocket 3 roadster
  6. 09 ignition switch wiring loom, caused breakdown.

    did i read this right 60 mph 3rd gear full throttle trying to pass your a bloody hoon. i wonder was their a mark on the road when she kicked or just your jocks lol hope you get it sorted cheers for the laugh
  7. Exhaust stud backed out of the block....Need Advice

    good stuff make shore you drill the hole in the center you might have to make a gide plate exaust bolts are always a basted
  8. Balance Weights

    that a new one i believe their to stop them being like a hole punch to your body when you crash and the vibration and is controled by rubber mounting the handle bars but i could be wrong i like to see how they work