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  1. Paul Brown

    Want to Buy Front Fender Rail Badge and Holder

    To Ishrub and all those who greeted me and/or offered suggestions about the fender rail badge; greatly appreciated. I like Ishrub's suggestion to do a custom. I actually have a correct size badge, I just need to come up with the holder. Keep checking your parts boxes, however.
  2. Paul Brown

    Paul Brown

    Professional old person; older than the dirt in your back yard; R3T owner and desperate for the front fender rail badge and holder. See my profile to learn what old age does to your mind.
  3. Paul Brown

    Want to Buy Front Fender Rail Badge and Holder

    Haaalp! I am desperate for the badge and holder that fits the front and/or rear fender rail on a R3 touring. I have a new rail and all attaching parts, but no badge or holder. I would kill for these. Well, maybe just mildly injure. Anybody?
  4. Paul Brown

    Retired cop, firearms instructor and consumer of malt-based beverages.

    Retired cop, firearms instructor and consumer of malt-based beverages.