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  • Users: Hoffa
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  1. Hoffa

    Speedo Accuracy ( Or lack thereof)

    I just came back from a trip and the guys and they were getting pissed when I was leading because I was going to slow, My speedo was reading 120km/hr, they say I was doing 110km/hr. How do I fix this? very annoying!
  2. Hoffa

    (Almost) No One Steals Triumphs

    I never take the key out of the ignition of my R3T. Leave it out side at work all day. But then I work out of town at an oil refinery. So this bad habbit I have is not good when I go to the city. A couple of years ago I drove to stirgus, and most of the time I forgot to take the key out. I don't...
  3. Hoffa

    Any use the MCcruise system

    I'm thinking of getting the MCcruise cruise control system for my bike. Has anyone ever bought this? How does it perform? From the vendor it sounds fairly easy to install. Hoffa
  4. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    Awesome please do, I was wondering the same thing when I was putting it all back together.
  5. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    Got it, next time this will be a breeze!
  6. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    What does the snap ring do? Is it a stop for the bearing. It does t look like I can get the bearing out from that side of the wheel. It didn't look like the metal piece where the seal sits is removable and the bearing won't clear it. What am I missing?
  7. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    bought the tool, removed the bearing on the cush side and it spins with no issues, Weird!
  8. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    weirdest thing, I heated up the wheel on the cush drive side and used the bearing puller, go it out and the bearing spins with no issue, the bearing on the other side also, now spins with no issue. How does a bearing that I couldn't even get to move one day, all of a sudden spin freely the...
  9. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    The bearing where the seal is, how is all that put together? It looks like a spacer, then the seal with a snap ring then the bearing. The pictures I'm looking at in my manual are a little fuzzy.
  10. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    It seems pretty short life, but I may as well just look for the tool and learn how to do it.
  11. Hoffa

    Rear tire change

    Its 3 nuts to remove the pipe, You have to remove the pipe top access the spindle. super easy to remove the tire.
  12. Hoffa

    rear wheel bearings R3 touring

    I have 38k on my bike and when I went to change out the rear tire, I noticed that the bearing was not spinning. I took the cush drive off and found the inner bearing not spinning as well. Has anyone else have both bearings fail in such a short time? Has anyone pulled these out? I don't have a...