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  1. UtilityKnife

    Local Dealer Roadsters on sale.

    It's were I got my touring, from a crate sale. I think these are the same thing. they also have a bunch of thunderbird storms cheap.
  2. UtilityKnife

    Local Dealer Roadsters on sale.

    Concord Triumph
  3. UtilityKnife

    Plymouth / Cape Cod

    I'm thinking about doing some stuff up north in the mountains. Not sure when yet.
  4. UtilityKnife

    New Owner, my thoughts and a few questions and observations

    some of the buzzing vibration noise your hearing may be the windscreen the mounts are solid and seem to vibrate with the engine, I dulled it down some by putting o rings on the fork side of the mounts. Most the time I just don't run the screen it so I don't have to listen to it.
  5. UtilityKnife


    Mine does the same thing. Was wondering if it was something in the front end or me being paranoid.
  6. UtilityKnife

    TuneEcu connection

    is your kill switch on, thats what got me I thought just the key needed to be on.
  7. UtilityKnife


    I check out the explorers every time time I stop at the dealer.
  8. UtilityKnife

    Installing Ramair

    Anyone mind sending me a tune for R3T, I'm installing my ramair this week and already have tors. Didn't want to bug Hanso, sounds like he needs the down time.
  9. UtilityKnife

    Finding Neutral

    I did new grips, chrome levers, housings. After readjusting everything it seems quite abit better. thanks.
  10. UtilityKnife

    Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

    What Hotel are most using? I saw the camp ground, was curious place others were using.
  11. UtilityKnife

    Gutting stock pipes?

    it looks like performance machine can make me some that will fit. but $$
  12. UtilityKnife

    Gutting stock pipes?

    so while measuring things and trying to decide what tip may work I learned the OD of the stock pipes is 4.2 inches so yeah. I'm trying to find out what the od of the mounting part of other brand tips are.
  13. UtilityKnife

    Gutting stock pipes?

    Those baffles look pretty sweet. The price isn't bad either.
  14. UtilityKnife

    Gutting stock pipes?

    I've got acouple ideas on how to cut it, but I think the best I can do for a clean cut will be straight and then use some kind of tip or maybe one of the tips for another brand that slides inside the pipe. I also thought about using a plasma cutter to cut from the inner side of the pipe and...
  15. UtilityKnife

    Gutting stock pipes?

    I Currently have tors but I've been debating taking the stock pipes to work cutting the ends off and trying to hollow them out. I figure there is a baffle out there that I can make fit and then use a tip from another style pipe to hide the cut or even a longer car tip to move the clamp under...
  16. UtilityKnife

    Finding Neutral

    I'll try checking the clutch cable, it's easy when not running. I've tried rocking the bike alittle and dosen't seem to help.
  17. UtilityKnife

    Finding Neutral

    Do any of you Guys find your rocket tough to get into neutral when running? I feel like when i do get it I should get a prize.
  18. UtilityKnife

    Just installed D&D's

    How do they compare sound wise to the TORS?
  19. UtilityKnife

    New England / North East Ride?

    Looks like the paradise is booked anyone know what the next best would be, It looks like best western still has rooms.
  20. UtilityKnife

    Surprised the Wife

    I couldn't believe when we got it home that it doesn't have a gas gauge. I'm sure i'll be bringing her gas at some point this year.