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  1. Bone crusher

    Coolant Type

    Hi all Is this type of coolant suitable and how many litres will I need Thanks in advance
  2. Bone crusher

    Check this dude out

    I have an 1100 gs as well as the Rocket and it drives itself amazingly. With the right tyres it would keep up with most easily.
  3. Bone crusher

    Could it be true?

    Here it is.
  4. Bone crusher

    Could it be true?

    I’m stitching together an image from the video now and will post it as soon as it is ready
  5. Bone crusher

    Front 130/90/17

    I recently read on fb about a rocketeer using a 130/90/17 front Tyre I don’t know what brand but the comment was that it was like having power steering. I aware of the advantages of the 140/75/17 but had until now not heard of using that size. Are any of lads here running that size Tyre and do...
  6. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    Hey That looks superb Roscoe. Message me your details and I’ll call you and come over for a look.
  7. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    Thats great thanks Roscoe. Let me know when you've got it and Ill pop over.
  8. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    Bump this post as I am close to pushing the button on this.
  9. Bone crusher

    R.I.P. Ivan Mauger

    I work regularly with his son Kym. The nicest of guys and tells great stories of the adventures his dad had. When did he die? Kym had just been over to the UK to help sort out some of his possessions. From what I can gather he is something of a national treasure. Kym himself is quite the of a...
  10. Bone crusher

    Touring seat won't release

    I recently removed my single seat and installed the rear bracket that supports the pillion seat and then attached my touring seat so the girl and I could go for a ride. Now I'm trying to return the single seat but for the life of me I can't get the lock to release the touring seat. I hear the...
  11. Bone crusher

    New owner in Brisbane

    Giddy. Another Brisie lad here. I’m just up the road from Mitzy. We’ve almost got a possie goin here its a Rocket cluster. We should all hook up for a ride sometime.
  12. Bone crusher

    Coming out of the shadows

    Giday mate. Welcome from Down Under
  13. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    Are there any rockets in brisbane that have a metcruze seat that i could pop over and have a look off.
  14. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    I did ask about a single seat and the reply was that because of a lack of interest in that product he didn’t make one. Check his fb page and web, he does a great fastback seat for rocket as well, much like the Corbin
  15. Bone crusher

    Metcruze Seats

    I thinkijng of getting one of these Aussie made touring seats and was seeing what other members who have them found them for comfort and quality. Im 6'1" so that may play into the comfort factor. Thanks
  16. Bone crusher

    Suspension upgrade question

    Mittzy are your Wilber’s front springs progressive or linear?
  17. Bone crusher

    Suspension upgrade question

    When you put the 444s on did you increase the length from standard height? I know you run the 140 on the front and wondered if you changed the fork angle again by increasing the ride height.
  18. Bone crusher

    Suspension upgrade question

    I spoke with the guy at gazi shocks yesterday and his recommendation was for linear not progressive springs in the front as he said the progressives go soft quickly. Anybody had that experience?
  19. Bone crusher

    Rebuilding rear master cylinder

    Is there a rebuild kit for my 2010 roadster rear master cylinder? If so could someone point me in the right direction.Thanks