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  1. micromike1

    Hydraulic clutch release went pop

    When i replaced the complete unit on mine i asked what type of o rings they are(they were red ) and told Silicon ,so i have flushed out my master cylinder and line and used Dot 5 Silicon brake fluid ,will see how that works out .🤞
  2. micromike1

    Hydraulic clutch woes

    Hi all Had the pleasure of my clutch packing up, nothing at the lever ,managed to get a friend with a car trailer to get me home Mine has the TTS hydraulic conversion and this is what i found on dismantling ,O rings shot and damage marks on the Oberon slave , Phoned Oberon ordered a new unit...
  3. micromike1

    lithium battery

    Fitted Anti gravity to my Stage 3 TTS Supercharged Rocket after the last battery gave up the ghost ,this one spins the rocket over like an electric drill ( does have upgraded starter motor and leads as well) kept on an Optimate lithium tender ,no problems yet .
  4. micromike1


    Hi Guys Anyone in the UK found a part number for the 1.4kw starter motor upgrade ?
  5. micromike1

    Rocket ride from hell

    Had a set sitting on a shelf in the garage for the last 12months ,I think I might just be fitting them soon !
  6. micromike1

    Clutch gone after 2 months......

    Putting me off already !
  7. micromike1

    What did you do to your Rocket today?

    Hi all Junked the Innovate air/fuel gauge, changed 2 sensors before it became apparent it was the gauge at fault (internet search revealed problems )replaced with a AEM unit all good so far🤞
  8. micromike1

    What did you do to your Rocket today?

    And finally got round to fitting boost gauge
  9. micromike1

    2006 Rocket 111 supercharged KTM 1290 Superduke gt

    2006 Rocket 111 supercharged KTM 1290 Superduke gt
  10. micromike1


    Hi Guys Can anyone recommend a alternative bov for the tts supercharger setup ? Had the supercharger chirping for a while and finally got around to checking the original bov and found that it was sticking ,cleaned it and polished and lubed it but still not happy with the way it was working...
  11. micromike1

    Hydraulic clutch release went pop

    Fitted a treat and there was a marked improvement in the clutch action ,contours of the master cylinder wrapped around the bars
  12. micromike1

    2006 Rocket 3 Supercharged ,2017KTM 1290 Superduke gt,1976 mk3 Norton Commando

    2006 Rocket 3 Supercharged ,2017KTM 1290 Superduke gt,1976 mk3 Norton Commando
  13. micromike1

    Hello all, from new R3T owner in UK.

    Hi Ken ,no never been to that one ,I used to do the Waterman at Hatton and I like to go on rides with Redditch charity bikers supporting local charity's ,tend to go for a blast on my own these days when work and family allow .
  14. micromike1

    Hello all, from new R3T owner in UK.

  15. micromike1

    Hello all, from new R3T owner in UK.

    Hi Ken Welcome ,whereabouts in worc,s are you ?
  16. micromike1

    What did you do to your Rocket today?

    Fitted new rect/reg bit of a tight fit tho.
  17. micromike1

    Oil reservoir for TTS-Performance Rotrex C30 supercharger

    No problems with mine in the air filter box