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  1. Barbarosa

    Can Anyone Recognize This???

    I think someone downloaded the photo Buck posted and made it look old-timey with photoshop. Follow things like wiring, tool bag, etc that would differ from bike to bike and they are exactly the same. Still looks cool though. Here is the link.
  2. Barbarosa

    Bun Burner

    Jeeze man, I'd have trouble doing 1700 miles in a car in two days. That is some impressive riding. Stock seat?
  3. Barbarosa

    Headset Communications

    Another vote for the Scala G9. The battery seems to last an awfully long time and the set up is easy. I think most of the top of the line brands are pretty good; just depends on what is on sale. I know Scala streams music from my smart phone, but others probably do too.
  4. Barbarosa

    Your origins of riding.

    Started riding mini bikes around 9 or 10; didn't get into riding hardcore until about age 15 when the family of a girl I liked was big into dirt bike riding. They asked me to go on desert camp outs, so of course I said yes. I must have looked like a real moron trying to ride over jumps and...
  5. Barbarosa

    Look what followed the nurse home...

    Boy, she's a beauty. Nice bike too!
  6. Barbarosa

    Another One From So Cal

    Hello, another R3R rider from Southern California. Pretty close to where Riverside, Orange and San Diego counties come together in a little place called La Cresta. Been lurking for a while and thought I should make an honest man of myself. I'm 6'9", 350# (25 stone for you in Oz), so the...