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  1. kerbachard

    2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

    Count 1 more in for Saturday and Sunday. I live in Fayetteville so its just a hop and a skip to the Hub for me. Plan on camping sat night and doing any group riding y'all wanna do Sunday. Off work at noon all the following week so I'd like to join up with anyone I can catch up with. Got a big...
  2. kerbachard

    Bikes, Blues & BBQ

    Lake Wedington outside of Fay-town would be a good meet up spot, can ride over to Devils Den real easy from there or just meet & greet.
  3. kerbachard

    Bikes, Blues & BBQ

    Shawn - I need your contact info man, I've had my R3 for 4 months now and feel like I'm the only R3 rider in NWA! Let's meet up sometime! Also, anyone coming into town for BBB hit me up!
  4. kerbachard

    RAA 10 marble Falls, Arkansas 2015

    How exciting! I live less that two hours from Marble Falls, was literally riding my R3 through there a few days ago to go ride the last operating ferry in Arkansas. In fact, last summer I stayed at the Hub with some guys from Missouri! Definitely count my bike and I as well as my sectional...
  5. kerbachard

    For Sale 06 Rocket 3 Parts & Accessories Album

    Did I spy a set of passenger floorboards? If so I'd certainly like to snag those! (Been in the garage with baking soda cleaning my girl's boot soles off my mufflers...) The mounting Alan bolts on my exhaust are rusted really bad...are yours in any better shape? If so I'd buy those too! Thanks...
  6. kerbachard

    From the Ozarks!

    Haha, he's the main character in the best book ever written! Louis L'amour "The Walking Drum"
  7. kerbachard

    Movie time! Feat. R3

    Little flick I made on the trip down to purchase my first R3!
  8. kerbachard

    From the Ozarks!

    Hello from the Ozarks! Just picked up a 2006 R3 Classic down Texas way. Found the beaut on craiglist and bought a bus ticket down to pick her up. Just got back from the 300 mile ride, what a blast. I'm barely home and want to go on another long ride, ha! Look forward to getting to know ya'll...