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  • Users: BillB
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  1. BillB

    Just checking in to see if you kids are behaving!

    Hey to you also Bobby! Hope all is well with you and herself. The byways are going to be severely curtailed starting today. Archery season for whitetail deer is kicking off this morning. Going to have to stick to dirt roads and leave the farm paths alone for the next few months.
  2. BillB

    Just checking in to see if you kids are behaving!

    Got a little in in Maggie Valley in may when selling the Rocket. Got a 5 day trip in next week with the lovely wife and our friend Earl to a new location in Ghent West Virginia called the Skyline Lodge and Pub. Kinda a bit of recon for possible RAA location. Been roaming up into...
  3. BillB

    Widowmaker Journey to 200hp, no thats been done. 250hp !

    Hey little brudda! Just popped back in for a minute. Still a borderline slow learner I see. You ready for this new final drive that I'm sitting on yet?
  4. BillB

    Just checking in to see if you kids are behaving!

    Hey Herman, how's things out in the south west? Been rebuilding any wayward captains Rockets in your spare time lately?
  5. BillB

    Just checking in to see if you kids are behaving!

    That would be Laurel you decrepit old f!#% ! LOL. How's things with y'all brudda?
  6. BillB

    Just checking in to see if you kids are behaving!

    Howdy all! Been a while since I popped in . I see that "Thread Killer" is still alive and kicking! Hope everyone is doing as well as possible. Still having a ball on the Vstrom, last I heard Chris feels the same about my old R3T. Aleady run the tires off of the Vstrom and had to put new set...
  7. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Yup Paul the old girl is gone to a new owner. Kinda hated to see her go. Went up for a 80 mile romp on the parkway with the Vstrom and got over it pretty quickly. Steady 50 to 60 mph and only had to use the brakes once to scrub off a little speed in a corner. It was the right decision to go...
  8. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Maybe not the Rockets last trip to Maggie Valley but the last one she's coming with me. Chris @foxviewnet loaded her up this morning and headed back to Bama.
  9. BillB

    Shopping For Touring Model

    @RockOn I have ABS on my 13 R3T and I absolutely recommend it! The 2 times that it activated in real life it saved my bacon and you can take that to the bank. Mine is also up for sale in the classifieds but I am in discussions with another member on the site about it. If that falls through I...
  10. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Finally got around to getting more pictures.
  11. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Y'all ain't rid of me that easily Paul. Of course the new bike might change your mind. 2014 Suzuki Vstrom, it's like a Ducati with out the sex appeal and the maintenance costs. Really like it except the beak over the front fender. I think that I will call it Gonzo.
  12. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Thanks brudda!
  13. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Well Paul @Joesmoe , what kinda monthly payments can you afford?
  14. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    @OhLordyMyKnees no damage on the tank. As @Ralsmith says that's a reflection on the tank. I will wheel it out of the shop and post more pictures tomorrow. My bad on that, the bike is pretty well known to a lot of the old timers here that attend the RAA east rallies. Didn't really think that...
  15. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    All right boys and girls, I have talked to some people in the retail motorcycle business and have an idea of what this pilgrim in Greensboro is probably going to want to pay for the R3T. If I am going to get F'd that bad I would just as soon have it be by someone that I like. The bike as it...
  16. BillB

    Soon to be New 2008 R3 Owner....fingers crossed

    Hope that you got a good price on it brudda. I'm having a hard time giving mine away!
  17. BillB

    Soon to be New 2008 R3 Owner....fingers crossed

    Welcome aboard from a retired Rocket captain.
  18. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    HEADS UP! Select Cycles in Greensboro says they are interested. Starting point in negotiations is going to be $5600 for the bike. Anyone wants the bike you have about 7 days to make an offer.
  19. BillB

    **SOLD** 2013 R3T with a bunch of extras

    Middle of May sale! 1000 bux off. $7900 for the whole shooting match $6900 for just the bike. For you touring captains it's like Rock auto for your Rocket. 'All the parts your bike will ever need '
  20. BillB

    Been a while since I checked in! How's everyone doing?

    You too Mel! Hows things with you and spousal unit?