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  1. Rocket owners average age!

    Cop: Do you have any idea how fast you were goin? Me: No, can't see speedo without me specs Cop: Where are you going in such a hurry? Me: Pick up me new specs sir! 55 in a bit
  2. top of the mornin to ya

    Hey Phil anytime ya want to swing over and help eradicate some of them little critters they call "Punxy Phill" Im all for it. The whole "six weeks more winter" is getting very old!!:mad:
  3. top of the mornin to ya

    Sun tryin to force its way through the misery! Goin for a ride! Edinboro big Scott place, Check out Edinboro College on the web. Plenty of plaid around town. Myself.. have roots from County Cork. Think they said 15" rain in Fla:mad: . Hope this pattern changes. Look forward to getting to know ye...
  4. top of the mornin to ya

    Hey from northern PA, been spending a little time on this site and I like what Iam reading. Lots of help with my R3 and many laughs.