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  1. Progressive insurance commercial

    Just saw it and got on here, saw someone beat me to it! Well it confirms what we already know, in the world of motorcycles the ROCKET IS GOD!:D
  2. No Rockets???

    The rarity is what got me interested in Triumph in the beginning the parallel twins are pretty rare to see on the road and then the Rocket is even rarer. I like having the only one like it when I go for a ride, the fact that's its the biggest and baddest cruiser on the road doesn't hurt much...
  3. Howdy....

    Welcome. I love hearing people say i had this but i wanted something bigger, then they don't just get bigger they get the biggest bike possible! I love it! The r3 is an incredible bike have fun!
  4. Blacked out the Roadster.

    Ive used it for the radiator shroud and few other small spots a while ago only bad spots are where my crummy painting messed up. So far I like it
  5. Front brake pad replacement

    Got it OK I used some PB penetrating spray i have, it supposed to leave a residue that helps keep it from seizing up again. I had to spray it a couple times then lightly tapped on it with my hammer on a cloth so as not to damage it. Crap forgot to put anti-seize on the bolt I also had to order...
  6. Front brake pad replacement

    Ive got some penetrating oil ill try that. If it wont won't then easy out it is. Thanks. A lot Tony
  7. Front brake pad replacement

    I am changing the brakes on my 05 r3 for the first time and so far it seems easy enough. .com site had good visuals to go by. Rears were super simple. My question is the bolt on the front seems stuck, is it threaded or can I tap it through the other side to take it out? I'm just afraid of...
  8. Triumph Giveaway

    I'd get it. It would look good up on blocks in my front yard.:rolleyes:
  9. revolution.

    The new ones get more, supposedly about 137miles per charge. Still not enough for nice trips. And that is if you don't get on it
  10. revolution.

    I'm pretty sure Honda is but i think they're in a way early testing faze now. Can't imagine them having much guts but the mpg would be incredible since some smaller gas motors can reach near triple digits now.
  11. revolution.

    I like these and the brammo also. Well rather I like the idea. This bike could make a great short trip commuter but could never be good for trips. even if you found a charging station with their quick charge equiptment recharging takes about an hour + you cant just pop into any gas station and...
  12. Knee dragging on a Rocket!

    Couple crazies We we're on our way home from a great ride and the park is only about a block out of the way. Just so happens that if the weather is great parks get packed! there were a lot of people there. The picture with the two of us was taken by an older lady watching her grandchildren. We...
  13. Knee dragging on a Rocket!

    Rode a new Rocket today, this one I could get my knee down on. It was a little tight, we even tried two up and my gal got a chance to drive it to!
  14. Hello from northern California

    Welcome from Rocklin,ca here we might be neighbors!
  15. Sold my Harley

    Just yesterday I drove up a nice twisty road I had driven in my car before but wanted to on the bike. A few hours into it I pulled off and took a couple pictures. One of the welcome to the town I was in sign - Volcanoville and the other was the snow on the ground. I only came back cause my lady...
  16. Finally a cure for the biker wave epidemic

    I think it was originally supposed to represent either V for v twin or two wheels to the ground
  17. Finally a cure for the biker wave epidemic

    I like waving at other bikers. For me its about respect to 2 wheels and the bikes I wave to understand what it is to ride. I wave to just about everything on 2 wheels. a few weeks about I waved to a trike, the rider was about 5 years old and got a big ol smile and waved back all excited like...
  18. Finally a cure for the biker wave epidemic

    :D ;) The Motorcycle Wave - The Solution - YouTube look at his other vids also theyre good. i liked the fuel tank tamper, and might order one soon!
  19. Bringing the front tire up.

    I've also only managed to break the rear wheel loose. If wheelies are so tough. How have those who have done it pulled it off. Like those few stunt riders have. Wheels and everything else I could see seemed stock, so how do they get it so high?
  20. front brake

    These things have front brakes? I thought that thing was a make the bike roll over button. Honestly another great link that led me to many more great links thanks for the heads up!