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  1. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Not sure what the lifter piece is. Could you please give me more info. Probable me just being dumb.
  2. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    I haven't found any thing suspicious in the oil or in the bottom of the front cover. Is there anywhere else to look for fileings or pieces of metal? I just want to thank everyone for your suggestion. Cliff
  3. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    It sounds like the front of the engine. Im putting it back together ,with a new cable and adjuster. With a fresh oil change.
  4. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Talked to a mechanic and he suggested to keep a eye on it and if a new cable and cable adjuster keeps it from moving keep on riding. When im on the throttle i dont hear it anyway
  5. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Yes, bike is all original in the engine Im starting to put it back together and see if it will still make the growl noise. Clutch plares all looked good. But i want to get a new clutch cable and clutch cable adjuster
  6. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    First thing I checked was the clutch adjustment. Could you please direct me to the trans output bearing info. Thanks
  7. 2012cliff

    Question about Noise while releasing clutch

    Talking about the previous generation. Can you tell me what i can do to fix the noise. Thanks
  8. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Im trying to remember. I think not but do remember as i come to a stop i can feel a surge or as if the clutch isnt fully engaged. Its not overpowering , i can easily hold it back with my legs. Almost like the clutch is slipping. It doesnt make the noise when stopped
  9. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Im trying to remember. I think not but do remember as i come to a stop i can feel a surge or as if the clutch isnt fully engaged. Its not overpowering , i can easily hold it back with my legs. Almost like the clutch is slipping. It doesnt make the noise when stopped.
  10. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    As i am looking at the manual ,i see that i need to replace the belleville washer and the plain washer, also the thrust washer. Anyone know where i can find these.
  11. 2012cliff

    Clutch stuff

    Good day eh! Looking for help , trying to find some parts and hopeing someone can give me ideas and help figureing out my problem. I have a very distinct noise when decelerating. It is difficult to explain the noise. Its not a grinding noise, not chattering, but more of a low pitch growling noise.
  12. 2012cliff

    For Sale Its gone! (Cat delete)

    Thanks, Im hopeing to find a header for my touring model.
  13. 2012cliff

    For Sale Its gone! (Cat delete)

    Will this fit on my touring model? If it does I'd like it. Thanks
  14. 2012cliff

    Where oh where are all the Rockets?

    I was riding my Yamaha Venture as my Rockets clutch was acting up. I would have preferred the Rocket but the ride had to go on. Somewhere in Montana we run into 2 Rocket riders. One on a touring and another on a new 2500 Rocket. So they are out there but few and far between sightings.
  15. 2012cliff

    Exhaust Mods

    I'm cheering for you. I'd really like a header that doesn't cost 2000 dollars
  16. 2012cliff

    Needing help/advice/guidance

    Viking exhaust must have some recommendations. Give them a call
  17. 2012cliff

    Nice to meet Jim

    Seems a shame he can't post anything on here.
  18. 2012cliff

    Nice to meet Jim

    I noticed he had what I thought could be 2 hitches. He did tell me he was staying in his camper which he pulls with his bike.
  19. 2012cliff

    It Is With A Heavy Heart...

    We get set in our ways and it's hard to move on. I saw a rocket today that had over 200,000 miles. Tribal Jim sure had it set up for himself. I'm on my 3rd Rocket. 1 Roadster and 2 Touring. I guess it's great to have cruise control. Ride safe. Cliff
  20. 2012cliff

    Out for a ride

    Looking good. Hope to run into some day. Maybe next year as we are heading back to Canada soon