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  1. bullsco

    Comforting thought on motorcycle theft

    I enjoyed reading that... thanks for posting it...
  2. bullsco


    I'm on it to keep an eye on what my kids are doing, saying and their friends are putting on their pages. Personally, I'd be happy if it never exiisted... I could get by just fine without it.
  3. bullsco


    Very sorry to hear about your experience. ... wishing you the best recovery...
  4. bullsco

    Chuck Norris CAN ride the motor without the cycle!

    Chuck Norris CAN ride the motor without the cycle!
  5. bullsco

    so sad,

    Wishing you the best as you heal. Very happy for you that you are here to tell us of the event and keep us posted on your journey of recovery.
  6. bullsco

    International Warranty

    In researching the purchase of a New R3T I contacted Triumph HQ in Atlanta GA and actually just got off the phone with them. My question was two-fold regarding warranty. 1) If I were to purchase new in the states (hypothetically Buffalo NY) would the warranty transfer internationally and be...
  7. bullsco

    Greetings to all from Acworth, GA

    Hi Welcome from Ont... Enjoy the forum.
  8. bullsco

    Miserable day riding

    Envious Glad you had a great trip :),, and yes, very envious here. We've had our January thaw with temps up to 44F but normal temperatures are returning this week and will hover around the -7F to -10F range for the week. With the thaw there have been a lot of bare roads but interspersed patches...
  9. bullsco

    How difficult to work on

    Hello: I tried to find the best forum to put this on and as I am only interested in the R3T, I picked this one. Simply, from my reading and research on this forum I understand the Rockets do not appear to be the perfect machine or seem to have the reliability of a GW or BMW. Therefore as a guy...
  10. bullsco

    13 Honda GW F6B nice

    I think we 'jacked this thread a bit,,,, I do however really like the new Honda. The dependability is sound and the price point is about where it should be to be competitive... It will be interesting to see how it fares against it's competitors.
  11. bullsco

    13 Honda GW F6B nice

    what a demographic never a dull moment on this board is there? I love the "go all Archie Bunker... " line,, great post. No doubt we all have reasons to feel strongly regarding another country's history, current status and their relation to where each of us live. Like many of you, I have...
  12. bullsco

    Roadster Engine Noise

    Knocking Hoping the best for you, keep us posted.
  13. bullsco

    So, are the new ones trouble-free?

    reliability I think this question is asked more now than ever is due to a number of issues. The internet provides access to all sort of info for comparitive studies on maintenance, repair costs, warranty issues,, (who could forget the recent "repair" thread on this site) and simply people do...
  14. bullsco

    Myths and Misconceptions

    good post well put,, excellent post
  15. bullsco

    R3T Transmission Trouble

    thank you no,, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I am not a r3 owner either but joined the forum to read and learn prior to making my next bike purchase. Your experience has helped markedly.. thanks again,
  16. bullsco

    R3T Transmission Trouble

    persevere I can not imagine the level of frustration and anger you must be feeling, from what I read, I know I would not have the same level of patience and salute you for apparent cool-headedness. Like many others, i have been following your trials daily (like every day or second day I am...
  17. bullsco

    Brisbane Newbie

    reply about rockets yeah,, I agree with TC,,, this guy did have some questions about rockts but a few guys on here appear too interested in just getting their post count up or shooting out a 1 or 2 line "howdy" than actually offering any sincere information... Not that a friendly hello isn't...
  18. bullsco

    Rocket missing

    Trade Based on some of the posts i've been following intently on here the last few months, if i were him, i'd trade it in on a suzuki to dress the way i want or a victory. Def not another rocket. I met a guy yesterday who was on a 1500 goldwing with 182000 kms on it. He said he owned it from...
  19. bullsco

    RDU Jacket Patch

    different views Wow... I never would have thought in some areas there would be that much interest in a jacket patch by the 1%ers or the cops... I don't get it.. Here in Ontario the cops know the 1%ers, their puppet clubs and patches. They focus on them not the regular guys who ride. Also, like...
  20. bullsco

    Getting Closer to the purchase.

    Getting Closer to the purchase - longevity Hi Forum dwellers. May I offer I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum :) over the last year (although I've just recently signed up). I've been budgeting and saving for a while since I've purchased my last ride (Suzuki C50) and am looking to step up to a...