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  1. Barnett clutch

    My punch mark has to be some what more than default. in your picture if we say inner/outer punch mark align at 12 o'clock, my outer mark has to be past 2 o'clock. That's how it was adjusted by dealer last time before the clutch problem. Currently my marks are similar position like yours but...
  2. Barnett clutch

    Everything has done finally but the clutch does not work properly. It cannot be disconnected at all. next move will be tighten the wire more to find the point where I can disengage them. Nobu
  3. Barnett clutch

    Impact wrench worked to take out the big nut. Bolt has extracted in 3 minutes at neighborhood tech company who specializes in engineering sample. It's too easy for them to charge me:). Now I ordered long 40mm bolt and heavy duty washer at fastenal. It was good progress (or recovery) today. :cool:
  4. Barnett clutch

    Thanks for the kind offer, I will PM you if necessary. I will try the impact wrench first. I think the dealer might allow me to borrow it once they extract the shaft. Yes, Dealer agreed to try it. I ordered Lock nut (T1170101) because locked part of the nut has teared already. I've ordered...
  5. Barnett clutch

    Yes, I have known that nut has something unfamiliar to me. But Punch is easy to find. I will find impact wrench to do it instead of special tool for one time use. Thanks!
  6. Barnett clutch

    Thank you for your deep insight and comforting post.:) I understand the bolt thread go thru the drum completely and it's better to fill all the way with longer bolt for more tolerance although I probably don't need for now with stock engine power. Luckily I found the fastenal just around my...
  7. Barnett clutch

    Here are more close ups. somehow I can only upload 3 pics at a time. Well, I have done terrible thing after this.:( while installing new set of plates and close the pressure plate, I wanted to use torque wrench for the first time. 4 of the bolts on the pressure plate went well with right...
  8. Barnett clutch

    Does it show what they are? I will go back and take more soon. Let me know if you want some more close up.
  9. Barnett clutch

    Yes, the cooling pipe was just a matter of force. It opened now. Pictures does not show but 12/05 is the manufactured date. The only problem I see is worn friction plates. Lifter piece and lifter shaft were normal wear probably. I will replace them both of them in anyway. Now I will need...
  10. Barnett clutch

    Thanks, I'll try with more force.
  11. Barnett clutch

    Help me, Masters Finally all parts arrived today and I took out radiator and water pump. Now I am stuck in a dead end. I can't find how to take out chrome cooling pipe that hinders the clutch case cover off. Please tell me how you have done. All the bolt around the cover has taken out and oil...
  12. Keyless Ignition Mod HOW TO WITH PICS

    Installing Alarm Kit for Keyless Ignition In order to make the ignition system redundant and reliable before go out for touring, I wanted keyless ignition. of course I also feel the inconvenience with less space between windshield. However, as I have little experience with wiring work, instead...
  13. Barnett clutch

    Thank you for your diagnosis, I agree that it would be lifter shaft issue. Now i understand how to check the free play very clearly! I won't make it wrong anymore.
  14. Barnett clutch

    Thanks, I thought it has maintenance purpose...well it also adds a shiny chrome piece in the engine. While waiting for parts arrival, I tried to rehearse the adjustment. Then I got into some trouble...first of all, I have almost no experience of mechanic work but reading service manual and...
  15. Barnett clutch

    Can you explain what's the round lid with three bolts is for and when to open it? It does not seem to allow me to access clutch plate but maybe good for lifter piece and lifter shaft check, I guess.
  16. oil leak

    Awesome pictures... How cool is it that you can do everything by yourself!
  17. Barnett clutch

    I cancelled and reordered the piece today. They said it should arrive next week. So...what a heat breaking picture! Is it a consequence of broken lifter piece? I want definitely avoid this situation.
  18. Barnett clutch

    I can't believe that I ordered older one...I will call to cancell the order tomorrow.
  19. Barnett clutch

    Warp, Thank you for your reply. I appreciate all of your writings about clutch failure here and .com site. Now I realized how important to change the lifter piece to prevent future failure though it's a big surgery for me. Since I just renew the radiator fluid and oil, I will reuse it. At...
  20. Barnett clutch

    It looks like I have to take out whole radiator assy off before the clutch cover work...Can I do the clutch replace work without draining radiator fluid and remove all assy but by just unbolt water pomp, grill and fan?