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  1. Battery Keeps Dying

    Just an update... After exactly 2 weeks of sitting, I went over to my neighbor's house to take his bike for a 40-minute ride. We've been having up-and-down temps during that time (70s/80s for highs and lows in the 30s/40s), but it fired right up anyway. I'm not using a battery tender, either...
  2. Battery Keeps Dying

    Ha ha! I hear ya'. I'd love to get my hands on an R3. I watched this one go to a lucky buyer for only $7K with 3200 miles on it! :(
  3. Battery Keeps Dying

    I knew I recognized your board name from somewhere! :D I'd love to pick one up as a second bike, but it's just not in the cards right now! I did take it out to the Meet 'n Greet, though. It was fun running against an 1800 and leaving it behind for a change. ;)
  4. Battery Keeps Dying

    Well, my friend decided to go with a Cycle-Tron II 310CCA battery that he bought locally from Intertstate Batteries. He's been dealing with them for years and decided to try the higher CCA battery. I installed it this past Saturday, and it took about 4-5 seconds of holding the start button in...
  5. Battery Keeps Dying

    Yeah, just about all bikes in stock form are de-tuned to meet the EPA emissions regulations. But open them up, and they're totally different. I'm more familiar with what's been done with the VTX (specifically the 1800), and when you add some nice "go-go juice" (turbo or nitrous), you get some...
  6. Battery Keeps Dying

    Yeah, I'll either do that or file the fins down. As far as the R3 goes, I love the bike. I've only sat on them at the dealer, but I suspect that I'll be able to ride his bike once I get it up and running! :D I'm pretty happy with my VTX, though. I turned mine into a bagger and travel all...
  7. Battery Keeps Dying

    I was perusing the 'Net trying to find some battery info on the R3 when I stumbled upon a few threads here on y'alls forum. I'm trying to help a friend of mine who has an R3. He's having problems with his second OEM battery, and after reading a few threads, I'm going to recommend that he...