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  1. drjay44

    Ceramic Coated Headers

    Considering the same approach. May I ask what the cost was ? Black Competition Werks slip ons, carbon fiber heat shields and top it off with cerakoted headers. maybe cerakote the intakes as well ?
  2. drjay44


    I am using Rugbyref's PDF to assist with the install. It is far better than the Evotech instructions. I am at a sticking point here. Let me explain: In steps 36 and 37 Rugbyref shows picture with what he refers to as original bolts closest to the rear of the bike. And towards the front he...
  3. drjay44

    Carbon Fiber Parts

    I posted under accessories, lots of views no opinions so thought I'd try it here. Looking to get carbon fiber heat shields etc to dress up my 2024 Rocket 3R. I see a wide variation in pricing ranging from very inexpensive to very expensive (Zard). Seems like a ggod option is Motocomposites ...
  4. drjay44

    Carbon Fiber Exhaust Guards

    Looking to get carbon fiber exhaust guards for my Rocket3R. I plan on getting the headers cerakoated black at Jet Hot ( Ceramic Header & Exhaust Coating | Jet-Hot) and think the carbon fiber would complete the look. I see prices from about $100 to over $400 (Zard). I know nothing about...
  5. drjay44

    Tail Tidy Installed!

    Considering a tail tidy to show off the massive rear tire. I see many options instead of the Evotech. I am not a fan of the ones which mount the plate to the side of the tire. My question is "why is evotech so expensive?" As I like the look I will just write the check. Realistically how...
  6. drjay44

    Anyone tried to fit slip on pipes besides what is sold specifically for the Rocket3?

    I'd save quite a bit if I went Werks. Curious, are they insanely loud without baffles? Like the looks of the Zard but $1,000 saved is not something to laugh at. How does Werks handle the left side of bike? Is there just a big empty space? Look O.K. or a bit "off"?
  7. drjay44

    Anyone tried to fit slip on pipes besides what is sold specifically for the Rocket3?

    I was wondering the same thing. I'd like to get rid of the insanely heavy stock pipes. Not a big fan of the Werk's as I do not like the look. To date the best looking slip ons I have seen are the Zards ! They just flow along with the lines of the rocket. Would be great if they were say 2-3...
  8. drjay44

    Key Question if Fob Fails

    So reading the manual for my new rocket 3. I see where you use the standard key against the sensor if the fob is dead. Question: I only have 2 hands how do I hold key against sensor, pull in clutch lever and hit start at the same time? Tape the key to the sensor?? Or is it that once system is...
  9. drjay44

    Bad Experience. Would like advice on 2 bikes

    Well I'm likely going for the 2024. No warranty on the 2022. I have attached the proposal. Thoughts? I know I have to eat the freight and prep and the doc fee is not too bad but maybe I can squeeze them a bit. Certainly the 1500 cash from corporate is a help. I saw a couple of private...
  10. drjay44

    Bad Experience. Would like advice on 2 bikes

    Well I had found a good deal on a 2022R with 7K on the clock. It was 14K. This was at a RideNow dealership. Made 2 trips and the 14k became 17.5k. Oddly they have corporate policy of no test ride on sport bikes. You need to sign the paperwork to purchase and AFTER purchase they have you...
  11. drjay44

    Question about a used Rocket R

    Appreciate the info. How are you liking your R3?
  12. drjay44

    Question about a used Rocket R

    New to the forum. Last ride was a Ducati Diavel and prior to that a Ducati Foggy. Owned various rice rockets as well. I am quite taken by the Rocket R3. Just found one locally. It is a 2022 with 7,000 miles on the odometer. To the eye it looks O.K. I have yet to ride it. So they are...