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  1. Ironuout

    Already leaking oil

    Could you post a picture of where the gear position sensor is..
  2. Ironuout

    Squire behemoth lock and chain

    It's for home use only...and a expensive investment only to get home and find it doesn't go through the if you own the new storm it'll go through the front wheel..
  3. Ironuout

    Muffler for storm gt

    If your bike comes from Europe the new 25 storm has new euro 5 emissions ..and has two 02 sensors.
  4. Ironuout

    Squire behemoth lock and chain

    If you own the new 25 storm gt and are serious about security the squire behemoth 22mm chain will go through the front wheel due to the new design, never owned the previous models but from pictures it doesn't look like it would go through wheels.
  5. Ironuout

    Muffler for storm gt

    Has anyone fitted a new muffler to there 25 storm .. doesn't seem to be much choice out there..
  6. Ironuout

    What size grommet..

    Removed right side cover to adjust suspension and the grommet on the right side has done a disappearing act.. anyone know the size..can you get these from your local DIY store or triumph only.. thanks in advance
  7. Ironuout

    Introducing myself

    Hi to the group.. just picked up a rocket storm gt.