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  1. SteelBeard

    Recommended Upgrades

    What do you recommend for suspension upgrades on an 05 Standard?
  2. SteelBeard

    Recommended Upgrades

    Hmmm, I'll have to look at Cost for shipping my bike to Australia o_O Maybe when I'm retired like Mr. Bill
  3. SteelBeard

    Showing off my ultimate touring/camping rig

    That's a sweet setup. What bag is that you're using on the rear bracket?
  4. SteelBeard

    Recommended Upgrades

    Oh no, he called my baby ugly 👩‍🍼
  5. SteelBeard

    Recommended Upgrades

    With any new bike comes the new quest for comfort and power. I've searched through the many posts around the forum and am looking for any additional upgrade recommendations outside of my current plans. Corbin dual back seat Viking Bags Odin's Rivco Risers Ramair air filter kit Dave Platt slash...
  6. SteelBeard

    New kid on the block

    Welcome from Washington
  7. SteelBeard


    I got a moderator warning, have to get to 10 the old fashioned way :eek:
  8. SteelBeard


    First Triumph. Coming from a GSX-R600 and CB750. Was time for my first cruiser, and all the advice I got was go big on displacement. The Rocket is a beast, I'm very happy with it.
  9. SteelBeard

    Any risers other than out of production Rivcos?

    The set for the touring is different. Just making sure. I'd be happy to take them off your hands. Can you send me a DM to exchange info?
  10. SteelBeard

    Any risers other than out of production Rivcos?

    That will fit the 05 standard? What do you want for them, are you willing to ship? Can you take a pic?
  11. SteelBeard

    Any risers other than out of production Rivcos?

    Looking for a 2005 standard. Want to buy Rivcos, or please let me know if you have any other recommendations.
  12. SteelBeard

    For Sale Rivco risers sold

    Just bought my rocket and joined the forum so I can't DM, but I'd like to buy those risers from you if they'll fit an '05 standard.
  13. SteelBeard


    Hey all. In Washington state. Just bought an '05 Rocket III. In love with the bike, happy to join the club.