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  1. SimonRowell

    2021 Rocket 3R - Header Discoloration

    Really good to know - thank you!
  2. SimonRowell

    2021 Rocket 3R - Header Discoloration

    I decided to try some light metal polish (used for cleaning silverware) and the stain was completely removed. I am not sure if it's my imagination but the gold coloring of the headers seemed to get lighter along with the polishing. I wonder what will happen when the surface gets hot again and if...
  3. SimonRowell

    2020 Rocket 3R Hot Engine.....

    I've taken to resting my right leg on the peg when sitting in traffic - otherwise it's just too darned hot. On a related note has anyone found a solution for getting a very warm backside? I've started putting a small towel there just to provide some additional insulation - it can get really...
  4. SimonRowell

    2021 Rocket 3R - Header Discoloration

    Hi - I wanted to get opinions about some ugly discoloration I'm seeing on the headers of my 3R. I've other threads on this forum about blue stains but nothing about these rust-looking examples. Any idea what's causing it? Can it be polished off? I'm going to drop by the dealer, so have not...
  5. SimonRowell

    Hi there - new R3 owner joining the community

    As a Brit who's lived in the US for 30 years, I decided it was time to fly the flag! I am now the happy (understatement) owner of a 2021 Triumph Rocket 3 R.