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  1. Guffer

    Scottish riders - Guess the location

    Where are you from?
  2. Guffer

    Scottish riders - Guess the location

    Took a ride up to Glencoe yesterday. Views and weather were beautiful but **** me, the traffic and speed cameras blunted it a bit!
  3. Guffer

    Scottish riders - Guess the location

    Bingo! Best ride I’ve had all year. The main reason? Eff all traffic!
  4. Guffer

    Scottish riders - Guess the location

    Clue - Lucifer’s steak bowl
  5. Guffer

    Scottish riders - Guess the location

  6. Guffer

    its official Triumph releases R3 Storm

    Depressingly, most of the chat here is about the looks. What I want to know is the difference in performance. Is there a noticeable difference in the acceleration/handling? That’s the only reason I would trade up.
  7. Guffer

    its official Triumph releases R3 Storm

  8. Guffer

    its official Triumph releases R3 Storm

    I didn’t get a chance to have go on the demo Storm unfortunately. I asked the dealer if there were any other differences to the fuel mapping other than extra bhp and torque. He didn’t know. I’m hoping Triumph might have reduced the restrictions in 1st/2nd/5th/6th gears. Anybody here got any...
  9. Guffer

    its official Triumph releases R3 Storm

    I’ve got my bike booked in for the rear brake recall thing in a couple of weeks. I’ll see if my dealer’s got one of the Storms available as a demo bike and give it a whirl.
  10. Guffer

    its official Triumph releases R3 Storm

    I’ll likely take a test ride on one (provided there’s a demonstrator available). The higher rev limit is appealing. I keep hitting the limiter on mine when I’m ragging it. Apart from that and the lighter wheels, there’s not a whole lot more that would convince me to trade mine in.
  11. Guffer

    Updated Rocket 3 be Released?

    Seeing as how the rumours suggest the next Rockets will have the same power/torque as the TFC, has anybody ridden the base R model and the TFC? Is there a noticeable difference in performance or is it marginal? I love my Rocket but the obvious power restrictions are a bit irksome. I’ve toyed...
  12. Guffer

    Armed vigilante brothers jailed for over 40 years after shooting at motorcycle thieves

    Complete and utter travesty. Far worse crimes have had lesser sentences. The UK justice system is a joke.
  13. Guffer

    Show us your chicken strips.

    I admit it. I’m thick (technologically speaking). I’ve been looking at the footpegs on my 3R and wondering where the adjustability is. I’m assuming that the pegs have been set high originally and the lower setting is hidden?
  14. Guffer

    Show us your chicken strips.

    Holy s**t mate! That is some serious leaning going on there! I’m finding my foot pegs are limiting my max lean so I’ve got about 5mm of chicken strip each side. Are your pegs ground right down to get cranked over that far? Or do I have a s**t cornering technique?
  15. Guffer

    Rear brake gone.

    Recently been on a few rides since taking the bike out of its winter hibernation. I’m getting that rear brake problem now! Very disconcerting. The hill hold function still works fine but to actually use the rear brake takes two or three pumps before it starts to function. Even then, it’s...
  16. Guffer

    Break-in period/limited power?

    I remember when after my bike had its first service the bloke at the dealership said that the ECU was updated as part of the work. I asked him what the update did. He didn't know. It wasn't anything to do with mode selection though - I put mine into Sport mode the day I bought it with zero miles.
  17. Guffer

    Suggestions for rear darkside

    Well, maybe just a little! 😉
  18. Guffer

    Suggestions for rear darkside

    I know this sounds like I’m taking the p*ss (I’m not) but why not try visiting something like a hot hatch drivers forum? They must have heaps of information on the best car tyres for grip, longevity, etc. Certainly much more than a motorcycle forum I’d imagine. Just a thought (not taking the...