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  1. nas6208

    Greetings from south central Kansas

    Hello atomsplitter. I arrived in 1996 as a transplant from California. So far, no meaningful curves :confused:. I took the mountain roads I lived near in SoCal for granted, I guess. You don't miss something until it's gone. Ride safe.
  2. nas6208

    Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

    Not sure about the Garmin device, but the OBDLink LX (or MX) work well for most of us - OBDLink® LX - Top-Notch Scan Tool Compatible With Motoscan
  3. nas6208


    OK great. Regarding the 'less peppy' perception - are you sure you are in sport mode (or whatever mode you were in before the DNK map was put in)?
  4. nas6208


    If you touch the bottom of the F1 map screen on the 'F1' text, a menu of tables comes up. You will see, among other tables, three 'ETV' tables. Touch 'ETV3' and the 'ETV3(1)' table will open. That is the table that tgessner showed. I have the DNK map and that table is the same as his. The...
  5. nas6208


    I can see where the O2 sensor and closed loop could offset any small changes one would make. I need to find out more about the Keihin ECU works. The older HDs controls (Delphi) were using RPM vs. engine load relationship (speed-density) to determine fuel and spark mapping and (it seemed to me...
  6. nas6208


    thanks dougl. Speaking of cold start idle issues, I noticed for the first time the other day that the cold start fueling is different from the stock map. I often ride in weather down to 20-25F and noticed on a cold start the other day rpm hanging at about 1500 rpm for several minutes. Under...
  7. nas6208


    ".....The F/L switch is 4% throttle in the stock tune. If you set it to zero, the main F tables will be used down to 0% throttle. Decel pop is at 0% throttle. Popping on my RIII occurred between about 2000 and 4500 rpm. So trim up (as a percent) the F fuel values in the 0% TP column starting at...
  8. nas6208


    thanks dougl, I will let DNK have a crack at it again as they offer free support for 30 days. I have to admit that if it is not a straight-forward fix, it will be difficult for them to eliminate without running it across a dyno where their changes can be seen in real time. Is the F/L switch...
  9. nas6208


    dougl, It is subjective for sure, but I'm hard of hearing and wear ear plugs. If I can hear it and think it might be objectionable to others, I will try to minimize or eliminate it. The popping (some call it a burble) at upper rpms is not really objectionable all the way down to around 2500...
  10. nas6208


  11. nas6208


    7400 was the maximum and that was what it was set to as I remember. I reset it to 6500 for now.
  12. nas6208


    Does anyone know if the 2020 R3 ECU has a limit to the amount of re-flashes?
  13. nas6208

    Gas cap hiss

    Although most noticeable when air temperatures are warm, I can hear a periodic venting sound coming from what seems to be the gas cap. It is pretty quiet and can vary from every few seconds on a hot day with a full tank, to just every once in a while on cool/cold days with mid to low fuel...
  14. nas6208


  15. nas6208


    No dealer installed options and no after-market mods - all stock everything. I think it was worth $200 to me to try to address the issue I had, but YMMV :).
  16. nas6208


    My primary goal was to get rid of as much decel popping as possible, not a power increase, so probably not most folks primary interest in getting a tune. The new map feels fine, very smooth, crisp, stable idle, good starting, no flat spots on accel, but I haven't explored the upper end of the...
  17. nas6208


    I was into mine yesterday to reprogram the map to one I got from DNK. Reprogramming went with no problems - took about 17 minutes to complete. Hardware I used is Samsung S7 Galaxy phone, OBDLink MX , and TuneECU . If it helps anyone, here is a list of items I made to jog my memory when...
  18. nas6208


  19. nas6208

    Greetings from south central Kansas

    Hello Bernard, Here's a picture of the tail tidy. My original plan was to use the stock turn signals, but they wouldn't fit between the side cases so I went with the Custom Dynamics ones. I wanted high levels of illumination and reasonably good lateral visibility. They also look similar to the...
  20. nas6208

    Greetings from south central Kansas

    Hello all - newbie here. Recently purchased a 2020 R3 GT. I am REALLY enjoying this bike and am impressed by the balance of torque/horsepower as well as the handling, stability, brakes, etc. Only mod so far is the tail tidy from Lamonster garage but with Custom Dynamics turn signals. This is...