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  1. Daytonastar

    What helmet do you use on your Rocket?

    I have several crash helmets, Bell M6 Carbon, Roof Boxer, Simpson Bandit, Shark something or other. But my favorite and the one I like best of all is the Icon Airflite.
  2. Daytonastar


    Would love to hear how you get on with it.
  3. Daytonastar


    It’s on the FB group, added the pic here
  4. Daytonastar


    He’s just posted Dyno and it’s gone from 155 rwhp to 177...
  5. Daytonastar

    Competition Werkes Exhaust 2020 R3

    Guaranteed as long as the breath I exhaled describing it is still warm in the air.
  6. Daytonastar

    Top Gear - Triumph Rocket R review: does a crazy 2,500cc bike work?

    The heat thing is really if you get stuck in traffic, which is why most of the US correspondents don’t see it as an issue. I rode it on a really hot day here and was ok until I arrived back in a London jam. Was so snarled I couldn’t even get through on a bike. It threw off so much heat it...
  7. Daytonastar

    Top Gear - Triumph Rocket R review: does a crazy 2,500cc bike work?

    Why are they all so obsessed with picking it up if it falls over? What kind of fatheads do they think ride these things. (More or less guaranteed myself I drop it next time out, but hey ho.)
  8. Daytonastar

    Radiator cap

    Yeah, I lost one too. Dealer noticed it (I didn’t even know it was missing) and replaced it for free.
  9. Daytonastar

    R3 Autobahn Acceleration Performance Video

    You kind of forget how slow shifts are without the quick shifter - I wonder what those numbers would have been on my bike. Anyone know what software you run to get those numbers? Is it a phone app?
  10. Daytonastar

    Lean vs Rich, Exhausts and the lust for more performance. Honest Question.

    Well I had a 2 liter Peugeot GTi over 20 years ago that made 180bhp - hard to think that today with 25% more capacity this thing isn’t restricted as hell.
  11. Daytonastar

    Under seat USB charger

    Search ‘hella plug adapter’ in Amazon and many options come up.
  12. Daytonastar

    Rear brake fail

    It’s weird, you’d think they’d either all have the issue or none have the issue. Given Triumph clearly have no clue what causes it, I’m at a bit of a loss to understand what’s going on as well.
  13. Daytonastar

    Rear brake fail

    Mine is now laid up, out of use. Triumph no use, dealer no use. Not in any rush to ride it again unfortunately. Think I’ll buy something that works in the meantime, possibly with brakes that work.
  14. Daytonastar

    Rear brake fail

    The problem is that one time, you’ll go to pump it and there’s nothing there at all. And if you mainly use the front, the time you’re going for the rear as well is likely to be a moment when you really need it.
  15. Daytonastar

    Rear brake fail

    Brake pedal went to the floor around 1500 miles. Had it bled and it’s just done the same thing at 2800 miles. Triumph just say take it back and get it bled again, but I don’t think that’s (anywhere near) good enough. Anyone else with this Issue?
  16. Daytonastar

    Key out of range

    I had it about 3 rides in a row back in Feb/March. Changed nothing, never saw it since. Only variable I can think of is temperature.
  17. Daytonastar

    Aftermarket exhaust

    Got mine back from service and I noticed one of the checklist items was that the ECU was still locked. So they are certainly looking for it.
  18. Daytonastar


    Just get a square of kitchen roll and wet it. Leave it on the bug infected area for a while and then they wipe right off.
  19. Daytonastar

    Front Brake Issues...

    My back brake did this. It’s in the shop being looked at, and they also said it’s not the first one they’ve had with this issue.
  20. Daytonastar


    I’ve had it, and one time, it was coupled with the ‘out of range’ issue, so I had the thrill of pushing it to the side as the lights turned green. I’m old enough, and have owned enough bikes, to know I don’t stall the things when pulling up to a stop. Let’s hope it gets sorted out in the 1st...