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  • Users: Dr.D
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Dr.D

    The Little Rocket

    Well I’ve got a ride planned for Sunday on an 325 mile ride and the question is which bike to ride? Is it an Indian or Triumph? 325 miles in the Tn/Nc mountains and it’s going to get warm in the afternoon. I think I’ll take the Little Rocket, the TFC. No one will outrun me or out handle me in...
  2. Dr.D

    Cyber Attack?

    I wonder if something is going on in the cyber world? AT&T is down all over the country and some forums are having issues displaying content. Very little is being said about it.
  3. Dr.D

    College Bowl Games and the Opt Out

    So you cheer to see your team in the Bowl matchups and the starters are not there playng. What a joke and a let down..Let me explore the reasons. 1. I’m scared I’ll get hurt 2. My record my get diminished. 3. The program that brought me here does not deserve my efforts 4. This is all about me...
  4. Dr.D

    Going to See Breeze

    We are headed out tomorrow to ride the four corners area on Indian motorcycles. I am going to visit Dave as he has been kind enough to host us for the afternoon and let me leave my rigs at his place. Just like another buddy, Tripps, it is very nice to have made real friends on this forum. Sadly...
  5. Dr.D

    Day of Reckoning

    Well it rained today so it was time to pay the piper. Four bikes were dirty so I cleaned them all. Thank God one was in the shop. I’ve had enough detailing for awhile. Actually next week I’ll dirty a few of them again. :thumbsup: :roll:
  6. Dr.D

    Plans have changed. Need help in Albuquerque

    Well it looks like I’ll be touring from Albuquerque NM so I need a place to drop two truck and trailer rigs. I apologize to all those that were helping me to get accommodations in Texas, especially Tripps who had a deal worked out for me. Let me know if you can help. mel
  7. Dr.D

    Help in Texas

    Hey Guys I need some help with a trip I am planning. I need a secure place to drop a truck and trailer in the Midland/Lubbock area. Can anyone help with this. I know this is a no mans land for motorcycles.
  8. Dr.D

    Michelin Road Five

    Well I think I’m a bit disappointed in the Road five mounted backwards on the front of my Roadster. I don’t recall the mileage when i put in on but it’s not over 6k I’m sure. It’s the unevenness of the wear that is the issue. The center has tons of tread on it like it’s close to new but the...
  9. Dr.D

    Honeymoon Over?

    Well my TFC wouldn’t start so I trailered it into the shop. Diagnostics shows the display(TFT) has died and I need a new one. $1200 out the door but on back order with no delivery date. Chit happens to us all.
  10. Dr.D

    The Indian Springfield

    I bought a new lightly used 2021 SF today at the dealer. I’ve always liked this model and finally purchased one. The ride home was a bit hot but very enjoyable. It came fully stage two with some Vance & Hines pipes on it. I like the color but will probably do a custom paint job on it. I’m also...
  11. Dr.D

    Cod Rocket

    Ready to ride today. A buddy of mine named my bike after a ride on it and the name stuck. Just had to have a shirt made with the name on it. What’s your bikes name?
  12. Dr.D

    Rear Brake Disc Loose?

    While cleaning my bike the other day I noticed the rear brake disc has some play in it like it is loose. I thought about going by the dealer to get my hand up in there to feel one on the floor before I go complaining to the mechanics. Is it loose or is it a design of this rotor?
  13. Dr.D

    Don't You Just Love Forums?

    I do. When I go a browsing the threads it just makes me feel so lucky. 😄 I read about all the problems owners are having with their bikes, and I don't doubt them or call them whiners, but I just feel lucky. I might have had a few issues with a Harley , Indian or Triumph but I have never had ALL...
  14. Dr.D

    Holy Cow !! $$

    I have had some fluid leaking from the bike occasionally but thought it was just some oil out the crankcase breather and thought very little of but I took the 2014 Roadster in to have the brakes checked thinking the rear was soft a bit. The dealer said my ABV is shot and needs to be replaced. So...
  15. Dr.D

    10000 Miles

    Well I’ve turned past the 10 grand mark and all is well. I did the rear brake bleed recall just for safety even though I had no issues. I’m still very much in love with the bike. I just put on my third rear tire.:rolleyes: Both generations of Rockets eat rear tires but I love it. Who else has...
  16. Dr.D

    TFC Flat Out

    So on a controlled road out west I ran the new bike flat out. 146 mph indicated on the speedometer. It is definitely limited by the ECU to that speed. If the nannies could be turned off it would do more. BTW that’s pretty fast on a naked cruiser.;)
  17. Dr.D

    Have mercy, look what I found on the porch

    Brother Steel has come by to ride with us for a few days. Today we did a little 195 mile ride into Virginia and stopped for a nice lunch at Wood Booger’s in Norton Va.
  18. Dr.D

    Saw my first Wood Booger today

    We don’t have Sasquatch here in the east but we do have Wood Boogers. 😉 Here is the female of the animal. I’d tap dat.:thumbsup:
  19. Dr.D

    Sahara dust storm......

    ......comes to the mountains of Tennessee. It was cloudy and the road was wet but we struck out for a long planned day ride to Roan Mountain. We evaluated the weather and thought it better to go into Virginia since there was less rain there. I continually looked up and thought I was seeing rain...
  20. Dr.D

    Captain Killed

    My dealer posted on his Facebook about losing a good customer. Apparently a fellow bought a new R3 2020 model R two weeks ago and was killed on it yesterday. From what they said he was traveling at a high rate of speed(110mph) on section of Interstate that carries a lot of traffic. He ran into...