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  • Users: Boudreaux
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  1. Boudreaux

    Raising the idle ???

    Could someone give me a brief How to: Raise my idle to about 1000rpm's. I have tuneecu and have set some perimeters . Im running with a dyneotuned PCV. Bikes a beast just idles to low!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  2. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Hello everyone. I have not been online to much nor have I been doing a lot of riding. Life has been full with work. 2 weeks ago My voice went raspy and I started coughing to the point of going to the er. Well i was admitted for test. My left lung is paralyzed and my vocal cord on the left...
  3. Boudreaux

    Finally A smooth running Rocket!!!

    Well after letting the guys at the dealers tune my bike. It has not idled right and has had so much decel popping. I finally got a PCV and took it to the young man who tuned all my other bikes before. It Dynoed at 163.61 hp and 166.65 ft lbs tq. This is one bad ass bike!!! Proud to be a Rocket...
  4. Boudreaux

    Bike Dyno tuned today. Not what I was expecting.

    Im guessing the air is alot different from south Louisiana and Austrailia. Reband says this pipe puts out 169hp. Im way off with that. It sure looks to be a real good tune. You can see on the A/F that it starts to lean just under 6000 rpm's. The tuner said he was giving all the gas he could...
  5. Boudreaux

    At The Dealer

    Well I took my bike back to the Dealer today for a Dyno tune and check on The Trottle Position Sensor. It wont reset adaptions and the TPS is not registering on my laptop(TuneEcu) at all. Just stays on zero. Idle a little ruff. The said they will take care of it. I sure hope they get the number...
  6. Boudreaux

    Bearclaw Modified

    Finally got around to modifying my bearclaw. Turned I good I think!!! Need a small peice of trim molding to finish.
  7. Boudreaux

    Resetting Adaption

    Ok! First a Big Thanks to Hanso for hooking me up with a Map that will hold me until I can get a custom tune. I downloaded the map. I also downloaded and printed the PDF for the instuctions to TuneEcu. After downloading the map I followed the instuctions to the letter as to how to reset...
  8. Boudreaux

    KX-4040-1 on and locked down

    Put my filters on an made a brace at the shop. Time to modify the bearclaw now.
  9. Boudreaux

    Reband pipe install help please!!!

    This is such a tight fit. Noway will they work with Wrap. Header pipes are cut uneven for one and there is a bracket thats in the way of getting the muffler on. Its a crossover bracket for the stock exhaust. This is a welded bracket.
  10. Boudreaux

    Chin spoiler

    I was looking at some pictures here. I saw on a picture Ponter's has on his beast a chin spoiler. Looks Kewl. Does anyone know where I can get one??? I would send him a message but he dont answer my messages. IDK!!!:cool:
  11. Boudreaux

    Air box removal

    Alright Guys. I am about to remove my airbox and put my KX-4040-1's along with my new Rebands. Are their any Step by Steps on this forum that would talk me trough this. I dont even have an owners manual with this bike. Ive done all this on other bikes in the past but this Beast is all new to me...
  12. Boudreaux


    Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I'm Thankfull to be alive for one, and to Be Back on a Beast for another!!! The Beast Of Beast!!!!
  13. Boudreaux

    Fly Screen

    Where can I get the flat black fly screen from? Website?
  14. Boudreaux

    Just a Thumbs Up To A Member!!!

    Just want to acknowledge Wayne Tripp. I called him today for sum tuning advise. This man is a Very Kewl Man to talk to, Very helpful and full of knowledge!!!! I will be taking my Beast with Reband shorty Pipes and K&N KX-4040-1 to him for tuning as soon as possible. I believe what I get from him...
  15. Boudreaux

    My Goodies have arrived!!!

    Merry HoHoHo to me. My Reband shorty pipes have arrived at my house today. Along with them another package with my K&N's KX-4040-1's. I just cant wait to get these installed and bring this Beast alive. BUT I am in Channelveiw TX working and my bike is at home 4 hrs away. ****!!! Iwill be her for...
  16. Boudreaux

    Different yrs swapping

    Hey Guys, can I get tunes from earlier model bikes to go in my 2014 roadster to keep me safe until I get to the tuner??? Say like get a tune fro an 07 or 08 to go in my 14???????
  17. Boudreaux

    Sending map to ecu

    Help me out please. My past exp with pc3 to download a map to the powercommander you would just hit send map. To download a map from tune ecu once the you have the map you want. Is it (import map) that sends the map to the bike?
  18. Boudreaux

    Simple questions

    Im breaking this thing in Hard. And since I dont have an owners manual I have to ask these simple Questions. 1. I look under the bike for drain Plug(s). Which 3 do i take out? I say 3 because the dealer told me there was 3. 2. How many qts does this bike hold, With the Filter? Thanks in...
  19. Boudreaux

    Bone stock Dyno

    Here is my 2014 roadster bone stock dyno sheet. 123.70hp 143.79tq. Dont like the it drops right after 5000rpms. numbers look good for stock though. All thoughts,suggestion and comments welcome!!!
  20. Boudreaux

    Airbox Removal???

    Is this a complicated task? I have Reband Pipes on there way and I wanna go with filters directly to the Throttle Bodies. I did this on my 109 and there were sensors, PCV and temp. Is there anything I need to know ahead of time so I dont run into any surprises? Any help will be greatly...