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  1. leigh_m_gardner

    A question about secondaries and the Secondary TPS.....

    Heres a question - if you remove the secondaries physically (ie as the original 3 KN conversion suggested), is there any need for the secondary TPS to be present and/or working correctly?
  2. leigh_m_gardner

    Setting secondary TPS and found oily residue on the butterflies

    I was in the bike going through the primary and secondary TPS setups and took the KNs off in order to ensure the butterflies were shut, when I found an oily residue on them. Any ideas what it might be? I have checked the crankcase filter is in place. Could it be the oil from the KNs (I havent...
  3. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    Today the 2005 Rocket3 would not idle/tick over. I had washed the bike the previous day (bike has cutdown bear claw and 3 KNs). The bike runs fine, just wont tick over. I believe it to be the TPS either needing resetting or replacing. I am pretty certain the TPS is the newer type (blue)...
  4. leigh_m_gardner

    Removing the need for a key...

    I dont particularly like keys on my rides. I have a proximity device on my bike which allows the bike to start when im near, but when im not it kills the bike and leaves it dead. All good so far. The problem is that to get under the seat I still need to carry a key. I was wondering if any...
  5. leigh_m_gardner

    Removing the need for a key...

    I dont particularly like keys on my rides. I have a proximity device on my bike which allows the bike to start when im near, but when im not it kills the bike and leaves it dead. All good so far. The problem is that to get under the seat I still need to carry a key. I was wondering if any...
  6. leigh_m_gardner

    Less noise with re-mapping?

    although their are better brains than myself who can comment on retuning the bike, I dont think its possible to reduce the noise level significantly. I think the easiest option is to take the TORs off and put the standard pipes back on.
  7. leigh_m_gardner

    Falling cost of accessories

    wos a screen blade? if its £65 for a conan-like sword then im for it :p
  8. leigh_m_gardner

    Jardines replacement baffles

    As some might remember, I opted to try a set of Jardines without baffles in them. Following Turbofans "baffle removal" instructions I managed to get them out - however the rims of the baffles crumpled and where damaged, effectively unusable. Anyways - loud isnt quite the word for...
  9. leigh_m_gardner

    How does the radiator/expansion tank system work?

    I need to relocate my radiator expansion tank (actually relocate and replace with something that doesnt look like it came from tupaware) and *ideally* I would like to sling it below the passenger foot peg rail. I have a Predator 3-1 on the right side, and therefore there is a gap on the left...
  10. leigh_m_gardner

    Installing Jardines for the first time....

    Im installing a set of Jardines for the first time tomorrow - except I dont have any instructions on how to. Do the Jardines use the hangers which the stock pipes use (and which my towbar is secured to) or do they fit to the rear foot pegs. Any help appreciated.
  11. leigh_m_gardner

    20K servicing

    Well the RedRocker has almost exceeded 18,000 miles so will soon be needing a 20K service. A lot of miles have been put on in the past few weeks, so checking the service workshop manual, ive placed a few orders for parts.... 2 x Triumph Oil filters = £15 from local dealer From Opie Oils...
  12. leigh_m_gardner

    To All the Oils I’ve Loved Before

    is this common place in the US? i honestly never heard of the 'average rider' in the UK getting their oil analyzed. How much does it cost?
  13. leigh_m_gardner

    10K service check and the shim check

    One of my rocketIIIs is due its 10K service. Whats are your thoughts on having the shims checked at this service (as it comprises half of the service cost from the dealers)? For those who are interested, here are the different checks on the different services:
  14. leigh_m_gardner

    Can Jardines be ceramic coated?

    I want a set of black Jardines. Is it possible for a set of Jardines to be stripped and ceramic coated black? I have no idea if Jardines can be stripped down for this process....
  15. leigh_m_gardner

    A weird "vibration" through the handlebars

    OK - for those who dont know, not so long ago I had a slow (20mph) speed off with my red rocket3. a few things were scuffed and cracked, but for the most part the bike appeared ok. Being sensible, I had the bike looked at by my local dealer and they gave me a list of items to swap to "make...
  16. leigh_m_gardner

    Is this the bearing problem starting?

    Ive got a 2005 rocket3 which has just turned 5000 miles. Recently I have noticed a slightly vibration through the bike when on rides. Given all the chat about the bearing problems, is this how it manifests itself? if not, how? Also, does anyone have the upgrade kit parts list? or a scan of...
  17. leigh_m_gardner

    Tuneboy adjustment to rectify clock with darkside on

    Both Owl, rocketuk and myself (and perds?) are running toyo 235 darkside tyre. I want to adjust the settings in tuneboy to sort out the clock accuracy. Can anyone help?
  18. leigh_m_gardner

    RocketIII service intervals and tasks

    Is this correct? the reason I ask is that we have a dealer saying the plugs need changing at the 20K service but this says 30K.
  19. leigh_m_gardner

    10K service or 2year service or both?

    Im confussed - nothing new there - about the services and which one I need, and of course the dealers arent helping at all. My bike - a 2006 model - has just turned 10,000 miles - so I reckoned it needs a 10K service. The dealer says that the 10K servide doesnt change any of the filters or...
  20. leigh_m_gardner

    Where in uk can I get Rivco ignition relocater kit ?

    I really dont know of a UK supplier. Most, if not all, are bought from the USA. I suppose you could try Custom Cruisers (Alfreton, Derbyshire) or Custom Wizards (Sheffield, Yorkshire) to see if they will supply one.