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  1. Rich Brewer

    New owner, and hello!

    Welcome to the forums. I just got my bike 4 weeks ago and cant stay off it!
  2. Rich Brewer

    Great Forum, and Hello

    Welcome to the forum from Mid-West MI and to freedom! Dont worry bout them HD boys, they're all noise :cool:
  3. Rich Brewer

    Your origins of riding.

    Good Morning guys. Im still new to the site so I am still trying to remember names and personalities. So to kind of help me with that, what got you into riding in the first place? I mean, I know why we all have Rockets, but what started the whole wanting to buy a motorcycle? For me it was...
  4. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    Ill still look when I get home. I did see bolts in my horn and lights though. It has a little blue chalk mark on the head of the bolt as to mark it to make sure its there, but the other ones that I seen that were similar were on front of the engine right behind the radiator. And it didnt look...
  5. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    So. My bike wont fall apart as im going down the road at 120mph because of this bolt right?
  6. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    I would.... but the guy I bought it from was a tinkerer. If I bought it right from the shop id have a better feeling about the whole thing, but I bought it (cheaply I might add) with 6k miles already on it.
  7. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    Heh you said rectifier. *cough* ... I mean, ill look in a bit. Not home at the moment.
  8. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    The behind the radiator bolt is there as well.. looks loose but its there.
  9. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    All bolts are there. So what else could it be?
  10. Rich Brewer

    What's going on with these speed liMits

    Im from Michigan and sometimes I go through Canada to get to Buffalo. Ive been lucky so far but I usually do a little under the speed limit through Canada.. its posted at 100mph right? ;):p
  11. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    Thanks for all the responses guys. Im currently at work, but believe me I will be going over my bike carefully when I get home. It was wierd how it happened. I was just on the highway going 90 and went through a city with a lot of stop lights. Waited for the bike to cool and then as I parked...
  12. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    Thanks for all the responses guys. Im currently at work, but believe me I will be going over my bike carefully when I get home. It was wierd how it happened. I was just on the highway going 90 and went through a city with a lot of stop lights. Waited for the bike to cool and then as I parked...
  13. Rich Brewer

    Pulled my bike into the garage

    Was pulling the bike into the garage for the night and heard this hit the ground. It landed just front left of the front tire. Not riding till I figure it out. Any ideas? I checked mirrors, cables, and clutch handle. Any where else that might use this??
  14. Rich Brewer

    What's going on with these speed liMits

    Just had a bypass change fromm 55 to 70.. merica! Lol.
  15. Rich Brewer

    High Speed Wobble - 2008 Touring

    I have an '06 standard (I guess) and mine drifts off to the left with both sets of crash bars ( engine and passenger). I hit 140 yesterday and held it for about 2 miles without any shaking or drifting yesterday.
  16. Rich Brewer

    Roger Allmond’s Rocket III-powered one-off (2008)

    Probably cut out half the weight. Bet that thing moves from start to top end. Id love to ride it once.
  17. Rich Brewer

    Rocket Sightings

    The only Rockets I have seen in person were the ones I wanted to buy, other than that, nothing on the roads.
  18. Rich Brewer

    ANOTHER option for RAA X The site I use to find good runs. Anyone else use this site?
  19. Rich Brewer

    How much to spend on a helmet.

    I like going fast so I feel safer in a full face. Nothing special, just a Jmax that kinda matches the color of my bike. I also like to do stupid stuff like taking selfies while going down the road. So theres that as well.... :p;)