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  1. Potlicquor

    New R3T!!

    ... you might try WD-40 and let it set and soak awhile then use soft cloth to wipe off with (careful on choice of cloths/rags as they can cause swirls or streaks in paint themselves) and you may need to repeat the process, it has worked on a whole lot of stuff for me without hurting the paint!
  2. Potlicquor

    Price for a new R3R

    ... make them an 'out the door offer' that is reasonable to you and them and let them digest the offer, you have nothing to lose by it and a little to gain if they approve it!
  3. Potlicquor

    not a good morning

    ... sorry to hear of your misfortune, hope all will be ok for you and your family.
  4. Potlicquor

    Hello from Germany

    ... welcome to you from another Floridian member.
  5. Potlicquor

    floor board options

    ... basically you have to lay down and look up under where the rear brake pedal mounts to the rail/bar and you will see a threaded rod attached to the end of the rear brake lever shaft, it takes a 10mm on the one end and a 12 mm on the other ( if memory is correct). I adjusted it there making...
  6. Potlicquor

    floor board options

    ... I too would like to know about possible rotation of rear brake lever and/or pad (mine does not have a bolt on pad, appears all one piece metal with slip on rubber pad). I adjusted all I could with adjustment on lever rod at mounting point and raised it approx. 3/8 inch, not much but it did...
  7. Potlicquor

    ... found out how to post pictures, disregard previous request!

    ... found out how to post pictures, disregard previous request!
  8. Potlicquor

    floor board options

    ... well there is five (5) different mounting options for up, down, forward and backwards and then there is several 'tilt angle' adjustments via the 'splined adapter' and the splined receptacle molded into the floorboards themselves. Go to the Kuryakyn website and look up the item numbers I...
  9. Potlicquor

    floor board options

    ... I just added Kuryakyn floorboards to my 2016 R3Roadster and like them a lot! Go to kuryakyn website and do your search there for year, make, model and style of the floorboard you want (you will have to purchase the correct Kuryakyn 'splined adapter' for your bike)! The kuryakyn parts I used...
  10. Potlicquor

    ... how to add picture(s) to my posts on here, I did a search for instructions but no luck as...

    ... how to add picture(s) to my posts on here, I did a search for instructions but no luck as yet, can someone advise me how?
  11. Potlicquor

    ... canecorso, the stock Triumph seat (driver's seat only, no passenger seat involved) weighs 6...

    ... canecorso, the stock Triumph seat (driver's seat only, no passenger seat involved) weighs 6 1/2 pounds. Measurements of seat are: 19 3/8 inch long, 16 1/4 inch wide and 5 1/8 inch tall / thick. I have pictures but don't know how to post them here for you yet, but I am trying!
  12. Potlicquor

    ... canecorso, will send picture tomorrow, I live in zip code 33810 (Lakeland, FL.) no passenger...

    ... canecorso, will send picture tomorrow, I live in zip code 33810 (Lakeland, FL.) no passenger seat just a stock single driver seat to make taller. Will need to either add or replace vinyl not much extra around side.
  13. Potlicquor

    Taller seat...

    ... done, maybe we can work something out, thanks EasTexRIII.
  14. Potlicquor

    ... canecorso, contacting you regards to making my stock 2016 R3Roadster seat taller (1 1/2 - 2...

    ... canecorso, contacting you regards to making my stock 2016 R3Roadster seat taller (1 1/2 - 2 inches taller) I'm 6' 1" with long legs. I would like to just either add to existing padding or replace it with thicker more support padding and leave the stock look as is. Please let me know what you...
  15. Potlicquor

    Taller seat...

    ... having someone to add some good foam or gel padding to the existing seat is what I'm looking to have done vs purchasing a new more expensive custom made seat. @canecorso might could do it but him being in Canada would be a huge shipping expense back and forth (not that my having it done here...
  16. Potlicquor

    Taller seat...

    ... thanks all for commenting and recommending, my problem with the seat not being high enough is that my legs are too long for the seat height to the pegs and therefore makes my thighs and knees hurt even after a short 50 mile ride. I will be adding highway pegs in order to stretch my legs out...
  17. Potlicquor

    Taller seat...

    ... I really need a taller seat (about 2 inches higher) as my stock 2016 R3R seat height is too low, can anyone recommend a replacement?
  18. Potlicquor

    New old man here

    ... I once resided in Summerfield (Marion county).
  19. Potlicquor

    New old man here

    ... well, anyone on this website-forum that has been here longer than me I consider to be an old timer member by virtue of their longevity here on... not by physical age.
  20. Potlicquor

    New old man here

    ... West Central Florida area by the 'Green Swamp' (where sasquatch resides)!