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  1. Don't do this (another kickstand)

    I would like to pass on some good advice, don't try to get off your bike if the kickstand is down. After riding MC for 40 years i forgot to put the kickstand down turned off the engine, turned off the master switch swung my leg over to dismount next thing I know I'm laying under the bike smashed...
  2. Back to my roots

    Quick question I am about to order the Triumph Panniers but wondered if anyone has found a good alternative Triumph seems to be mighty proud of those bags judging by the price. Viking seems to have a good selection for earlier Rockets but nothing for the current R3. Thanks in advance.
  3. Back to my roots

  4. Back to my roots

    Morning ladies and Gents, Just picked my R3 on Saturday. Traded in my 900#+ Harley and couldn't be happier. Anyone that feels like 650# is too heavy needs to ride a full dresser for a while. By the way I live in Prescott AZ but born and raised in East London COYI Anyway thanks for letting me...