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  • Users: Araz
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  1. Araz

    Comment by 'Araz' in media 'TOW Flight To Agsu'

    @Joesmoe , starting from the 4th minute i added another perspective shoot, just to show how nimble rocket could really be
  2. Araz

    Rocket owners average age!

    I wonder if I am the youngest RIIIT owner here :) bought it when i was 29. 32 now :)
  3. TOW Flight To Agsu

    TOW Flight To Agsu

    Sit back and enjoy this one ;)
  4. Araz

    Those who have more than one bike

    This comes to the definition of "gutless".. If you are referring to torque, i.e, roll on acceleration from highest gear, yeah, rocket (i ride touring) is among the best..other than that, plenty of bikes would smoke rockets (even new ones, after all, acceleration is power and MASS dependent)...
  5. Araz

    Erratic Oil Light behavior

    Swapped to a new sensor. Issue is resolved (at least for now). Attached is how previous looked like..
  6. Rocket III_ride

    Rocket III_ride

    > Joy to cruise > Joy to power cruise > Jot to twist
  7. Araz

    Erratic Oil Light behavior

    That would be serious embarrassment :D
  8. Araz

    Erratic Oil Light behavior

    The thing in my case is that oil light would only come on if i flip lights on and off. That's it. No exclusions. Could there be correlation between these two events? As in the lights going on/off change the voltage which affects the lubrication system?
  9. Araz

    Erratic Oil Light behavior

    Greetings to forum members! I combed the forum and noticed that only handful of riders had issues with sporadic oil light turning on/off behavior. How it typically presents itself: - Bikes do not show signs of oil related issues, i.e oil levels correct, bike works smoothly, no oil seepage...
  10. Araz

    Oil pressure light

    Got similar issue, only in my case oil light might occasionally turn on/off when i am turning on fog or high beam lights..i did open the fuse box and cleaned all the did help, but after a month or so it appeared again..go figure..reminds of the story in one of the posts where forum...
  11. Araz

    Resource Download R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex for Touring

    @Joesmoe , thanks you for your reply. I understand your intent in being cautious with the answers..i guess my main worry is with the 02 sensor. I inspected the bike today and could swear i saw one prior the cats, meaning that even if i delete them i don't need to worry about the 02 my...
  12. Araz

    Resource Download R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex for Touring

    @Joesmoe, i have this tune. But now i am thinking on installing custom exhaust with the potential cat delete. Would this tune still be relevant after cat delete, what do you think?
  13. Araz

    Just Installed A Tachometer On My R3T

    @Tripps, is this engine capable of running this fast? I assume it is far away from being stock?
  14. Araz

    Rocket III parts availability

    Greetings all, I have purchased RIIIT couple years ago and i love this bike! Can't complain on anything apart from couple minor hiccups.. However, recently i noticed that I start to think more and more about this bike sustainability in the future. Ideally, i wanted to drive at least 50k km on...
  15. Araz

    Just Installed A Tachometer On My R3T

    This is a long read. Stems from the fact that i found tach installation somewhat tricky and decided to do math instead. I've done this because I didn't need tach as such, I needed to know optimal speed for each each gear range Equation is simple > MPH = (Engine RPM * Radius) / (Final Gear Ratio...
  16. Araz

    Does Rocket III have can-bus?

    I have contacted Daytona for third party tachometer and they mentioned that it won't work on bike with CAN BUS system..i am guessing(?) on rocket iii touring it should work then?..
  17. Araz

    Just Installed A Tachometer On My R3T

    Has anyone heard of Daytona gauges? Ive particularly liked their 9K tach with shift light ( of hearing some collective opinion before ordering it.. P.S. apologies for the offtop, but i also liked heated grips offered by daytona...looked very stylish and fitting to the overall rocket look (...
  18. Araz

    R3T derestricting

    I'll attach screenshot (not sure if i can post direct links). But to navigate through, go to tune ecu>map database>T_Custom_3/4_Cyl_Map's Regarding the fuel efficiency, you have to really control wrist movements to get anywhere close to 190 miles. Plus, touring version has poor aero (imho)...
  19. Araz

    Brake pads

    My set (front and rear) of EBC pads had recently arrived..size-wise they are not different from stock OEM pads, have compared them side-by-side.. Pros - stopping power has considerably improved, especially using the front brakes Cons - i constantly hear the noise of brake pads touching the...