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  1. Anthony

    New exhaust = overheating engine?

    All seems well now. I rode a bit yesterday and no more overheating. Sits around 115c idle and cools down when moving. I never expected that something like changing the exhaust could make a bike overheat. Thank you guys for the help.
  2. Anthony

    New exhaust = overheating engine?

    SO, I just got done tinkering with the bike and it gets to about 105c fast, then slowly starts to climb. after about 20 min it was still slowly climbing @115c. This made me realize that I don't know what the operating temp range is. The light never came on like it did last time. I did not...
  3. Anthony

    New exhaust = overheating engine?

    So, I have checked the coolant levels (and learned about that little bolt on the cap that keeps you from turning it :mad:). All good. Now I have a new tune from TuneECU for aftermarket silencer (20776) and will test again in the morning after all of my neighbors wake up.
  4. Anthony

    New exhaust = overheating engine?

    I put on a VooDoo slip-on. A cheap little thing, I know, but it slimmed the bike down, and dropped a ton of weight. I have not put a new tune on it yet, but I was in the middle of the 12 minute tune when I noticed the temp going up. I need to find a tune for this. I also need to verify the...
  5. Anthony

    New exhaust = overheating engine?

    So I just put on a new slipon muffler. small yet fairly open. I was letting her idle a bit to cook off the crap in the muffler. When I came back to the bike, the temp light was on. I shut her down and grabbed my laptop and hooked up TuneECU to get a reading. 128C!!!! WTF!?!?!?! I heard the fan...
  6. Anthony

    Where Are All The R3's In The Dallas Area?

    Well, I ride mine to and from the office when the weather is nicer in the Los Colinas/Irving area north of the airport. It is a 2014 Roadster. I wouldn't mind a ride with a few other Rockets.
  7. Anthony

    How does this even break?

    Well, there was only that one wheelie, so it couldn't be frame stress. ;)
  8. Anthony

    How does this even break?

    This is on the back of what I assume is a vacuum canister on the left side of the bike. I was chasing the little nut from the battery terminal when I saw this. What is this and how does it get broken?
  9. Anthony

    New Bars

    So I have always loved the look of bars with internal controls. Have any of you seen the ones from exile?
  10. Anthony

    Slipped into neutral and dropped my bike

    Once this bike starts going down, it goes down. I was turning around in a parking lot (slow u-turn like in the MSF test) when, during the middle of the turn, the bike slips from 1st to neutral. I didn't notice until I started leaning and went to give it more power via releasing the clutch...
  11. Anthony

    talk me out of it

    :roll: This thread has taken a hard left somewhere.
  12. Anthony

    talk me out of it

    Well, you have succeeded. I will not be going sans muffler. Thanks for the overwhelming show of good reason. Not what I expected from most of you. :D
  13. Anthony

    talk me out of it

    Because there is still a 14 yearold running part of my brain sometimes. :cool:
  14. Anthony

    talk me out of it

    So I am sitting here wondering, would it hurt my bike to run with no mufflers? Just dump the exhaust after the O2 sensor into a down-pipe. I KNOW this is a bad idea (I like that my neighbors enjoy having me in the neighborhood). I probably won't even do it. But would this hurt the bike...
  15. Anthony

    Drag bars

    I found this site that I have been looking through and they have some cool stuff. On page 9 of the catalog, there are some risers. Link Removed
  16. Anthony

    Timing retard on 2014 R3R?

    I was more using the wheely thing as a poor measure of a perceived lack of power. I think I may actually be having an issue. On my way to work this morning, I got a few pops in my airbox on deceleration. Feels like a backfire. :eek: Any ideas?
  17. Anthony

    Timing retard on 2014 R3R?

    Was wondering if Triumph is still doing the timing retard in 1-3rd gear? I keep seeing people talking about pulling the front tire off the ground in 2nd gear with very little effort. The bike has some serious pull, but mine has never even thought about lifting like that. I have gone WOT many...
  18. Anthony

    Front Brake lever not turning on brake lights

    So, I noticed something today about my brake lights. The rear brake engages the lights first before the brake itself. As it should. But while getting ready to head out to work, I noticed that I had a good .25 inch of lever travel AND braking before I got the distinctive click of the lights...
  19. Anthony

    MC Cruise control anyone

    I wish I had the cash for this. I will get one eventually though.
  20. Anthony

    First long trip complete.

    On a side note, even with the stock tune that limits power in 4th and 5th gear over 3K rpm, it still hits the limit reasonably fast. I can't wait till I get an unrestricted tune on it!