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  1. Loanstar


    So I called about parts and the guy I spoke with seemed surprised that I wasn't ordering new bolts to refasten the cam cover. My mechanic told me the existing ones are fine. I've ordered the seals/washers and the cam seal/gasket Should I order the bolts as well?
  2. Loanstar


    Mine is an 09 Standard with just under 50k kms. I need to get a new rear tire and rear brakes so I might just get it all done. He's quoted me $500 CDN for all that work and I can supply the parts which is nice. I did the coolant pump myself several weeks ago and that took me way longer than it...
  3. Loanstar


    I went and saw my old bike mechanic and he kindly pointed out that the cam gasket needs to be changed. It is sticking out on the other side. Time to shell out some clams I think.
  4. Loanstar


    Yes, it is the third hole closer to the back of the engine. Just a tiny amount of oil is dripping out after the engine is hot. I had read on another post to check the cam cover bolts as some people have reported that they loosen over time.
  5. Loanstar


    Thanks, I'll be in front of my bike tonight, but of course, since I've spotted the oil and done some reading, now I'm obsessing about the problem.
  6. Loanstar


    I'm about to look at tightening these. I have a very small amount of oil coming from the weep hole at the rear of the engine. I can't open the service manual on my phone. Are these relatively easy bolts to access on the oil-tank side of the engine?
  7. Loanstar

    Tune ECU & imac

    I run it using Parallels on my Macbook Air with no issues whatsoever. You should also be able to run it using Bootcamp.
  8. Loanstar

    Helmet to helmet

    I also have the Sena 20s. It works very well. I have in a Scorpion full face and unless I'm riding into a headwind, I have no issues hearing on it. I find the prompt voice to be a little quiet when issuing commands but have no problem hearing my wife. The range is pretty good when there's a...
  9. Loanstar

    Not another TuneEcu Question...

    Just loaded this in. Definitely a smoother acceleration for sure, and that popping is gone. Thanks!
  10. Loanstar

    Not another TuneEcu Question...

    Thanks barbagris, I thought the sensor had to be physically plugged. I can't afford a tuner right now. I have to spring for some paint and we're about to tour the Okanagan and the NW US. With the way our dollar is right now, I'm pinching my cash. I'll check off the sensor and see what happens.
  11. Loanstar

    Not another TuneEcu Question...

    Sorry, but it is...kinda. I've experimented with several TuneEcu tunes with mixed results. I have tried both the "official" as well as one custom tune that I think might apply to my bike configuration. I have an '09 Standard with a D&D (no cat, the bike came like this and I assume the cat...
  12. Loanstar

    PSA - TuneECU might have a weakness on 2014+ R3s.

    Ah, now that I've looked at the file names, I see these are all for 2014 bikes.
  13. Loanstar

    PSA - TuneECU might have a weakness on 2014+ R3s.

    I see the notes about the tunes referring to this only being compatable with newer bikes... Is this still the case? Under that it says a tune has been added for 04-12. I get an error saying it is not comparable with my ecu. I have an 09 Standard. 2004-2012 version now removed following reports...
  14. Loanstar

    Rocket 3 parts

    Front crash bars make a huge difference. I dropped mine in my driveway last week (first time since I got it almost 4 years ago and it SUCKED!) and I would say 95% of the weight was on my left crash bar. I have the beetle bags and I will need to get some paint touched up but I was very...
  15. Loanstar

    Reloading tunes

    I haven't taken my seat off yet to plug in. I'm hoping to do that today. I'm actually thinking of trying the dominator tune out. I actually ended up dropping my bike in the driveway the other day which has had me a little distracted. First time in the 4 years that I've owned it. Luckily I had...
  16. Loanstar

    Reloading tunes

    I'll give that a go. Thanks!
  17. Loanstar

    Reloading tunes

    Hi all, Is it recommended to reload tunes from time to time. It seems to me that right after I loaded my tune at the beginning of the season, the difference was very noticable, (almost lifting the front tire) but now it doesn't seem as snappy or as smooth throughout the gears. I run an 09...
  18. Loanstar

    Front end shake Wobble

    I have no wobble at speed, only when slowing from around 80k down to 60k while engine braking with no manual brake. The faster I go, the more stable it is. It is definitely a lot better since getting new front tire.
  19. Loanstar

    Comment by 'Loanstar' in media 'Loanstar'

    They are Corbin Beetle Bags. They are overpriced for the quality but they match the bike perfectly. My biggest complaint is the quality of the paint job. It didn't take long for them to get scuffed and chipped from riding behind a few gravel trucks. I...
  20. Loanstar

    Cam Chain tensioner adjust

    What exactly does it sound like when this tensioner needs adjusting? I started hearing a squeaky rattle today when the bike was hot, mostly while gearing down and decelerating, but only while in gear. It sure sounds like a paint can rattle but the bike was definitely warmed up and from what I've...