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  1. Azrial

    Looking for a used R3, what years are best?

    Well, I bought a used 2005 with 12,000 miles. It is a nice bike, VERY different from my Yamaha FZ1, and so far I am enjoying it. Look for more from me here now that I actually have one!
  2. Azrial

    Stop looking like 200 lbs. of chewed bubble gum

    OK, I went to war for the first time at age 51. I was a contractor, but had to pass the Army's fitness test to deploy. I was 281 Lbs, and really pretty strong, but the 3 mile run killed me! I could make it, but not in the required time. So, I had to remodel! First, weight lost is 70% diet and...
  3. Azrial

    Looking for a used R3, what years are best?

    Well thanks for the help, but work got it the way of bidding on the 2006 that Warp9.9 referred to. But as pointed out by Tomcat, there are more out there. I am going to continue to read these pages and keep looking. Thanks, I will post here when I buy my bike! BTW, how much is the Transmission...
  4. Azrial

    Looking for a used R3, what years are best?

    Hi Guys, New Member here. I am looking to join the club and and buy a used Rocket 3! I started today by reading everything I could find on reliability and common problems. I read that the ignition switch is one problem area and that sometimes the oil lines are pulling lose. I am going to...