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  1. Neutral switch failed

    :P Many thanks for all the help I have got it working again thanks to a little cleaning. Now here's a thought having looked at the way it is set up would it be possible to swap the 4th and 5th gear contacts and fool the cpu into thinking it's in 4th when in top and thus letting it rev...
  2. Neutral switch failed

    Many thanks Warp Sadly the side stand switch is okay so no easy fix there. your directions to the neutral switch is a great help, hopefully there are no internal nasites (like a spring about to "boing" into the bowels of the engine) waiting for me I'll let you know how I get on...
  3. Neutral switch failed

    :? Hi there again Once more I throw myself on the collective database before I make a total prat of myself. I couldn't find anything in the technical section, so here goes. (I could be blind as well as a prat, worrying) Problem, neutral switch has stopped working. This is no great...
  4. SPARK PLUG Catastrophe

    :D Got the "easyout" today, screwed it in and out came the stump of the plug, ... piece of cake If this happens to you don't panic, the plugs are weak and break quite easily, not too much pressure required with the "easyout". Cheers folks The Icky
  5. SPARK PLUG Catastrophe

    SPARK PLUG Many Thanks :D Listen folks. I am eternally grateful for all the advice and the fact I am not alone, nice to know support is out there, and so fast only put it on last night, I'll let you all know how it turns out once the "easyouts" arrive and the beast is once again subjected...
  6. SPARK PLUG Catastrophe

    :oops: Snapped a naffing plug gettin' the bike ready for spring, now assuming I can't get the remainder out with an "easy out" I am going to have to remove the head. Is there any advice out there with regards to getting the head off, can it be dome in situ or does the engine have to be...