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  1. 23 plate rocket 3 whats this fault mean

    Hi There The service light comes on if the 12 months is up between services even if the miles are not many but you can go into setting and take it off
  2. Hi Folks. Need a picture of a 2020 & post R3 with a set of crash bars.

    there is no instructions but mine fitted ok Do the right hand side first by taking out the long bolt that goes though the frame The nut size on the left hand side is 17mm You do not have to put a jack under the motor as there is other bolts that hold the motor to the frame That is correct...
  3. Hi Folks. Need a picture of a 2020 & post R3 with a set of crash bars.

    Hi There There is photos of my R3 Gt with the fitted crash bars on page 2 of this forum The spanner with the square on one end is to take a 17mm socket with 10mm drive so you do not have to take the air box off The fitting on the right hand side is a Torx 50 You no not need to put a jack...
  4. Hi Folks. Need a picture of a 2020 & post R3 with a set of crash bars.

    Hi There The video has expired on my email and the little spanner thing is a 10mm drive for the 17mm socket There are photos of my crash bars fitted on the crash bar forum
  5. Hi Folks. Need a picture of a 2020 & post R3 with a set of crash bars.

    Hi There The piece you are referring to is to takes a 17mm socket to undo the frame nut on the left-hand side so you do not have to take the tank and airbox off to fix the bars I WILL TRY TO SEND YOU A VIDEO OF THE FITTING INSTICTIONS Kind Regards Mark
  6. the sissy bar for Rocket 3 GT

    Many thanks, everyone for your help I have had one made for my Triumph R 3 which is just perfect for my situation Will try to send a photo Ride Safe from New Zealand
  7. Penner maps

    Many Thanks from NZ
  8. Penner maps

    Yes i am in New Zealand
  9. Penner maps

    Hi There. I have 2021 model Triumph Rocket 3 GT VIN SMTYBG10J5MAC etc
  10. Penner maps

    Many thanks as i am out of my depth on this remapping procedure and all the reviews are so positive Kind Regards Mark
  11. Penner maps

    Hi Tal I like your comments on the remapping of your Triumph R 3 Is it a mission to do if you are not computer savy as i live in Napier NZ and do you know of anyone in the North Island that i could take my bike too Kind Regards Mark
  12. Go Da Fords!!!

    HI Tai I have a 2021 Rocket 3 GT in Napier and was looking at getting it mapped with a Penner tune Is this a mission as i have read you had it done and a very happy with the out come Many Thanks Mark
  13. Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

    Hi All Yes the bars are well made from High tensile aluminum and they could not be bent by hand so I took them to an engineer with a vertical hydraulic press,He had several goes in the press as they would spring back slightly after each press They are very strong in my opinion Take Care Ride Safe
  14. Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

    Yes, Steve Such a muscle bike suits the Crash Bars. Hi all Has anyone made a sissy bar up for the R3 GT, I have a tall backpack and it wobbles around on the back carrier so a taller sissy bar would be amazing, I don't want saddle bags on the bike Many Thanks from New Zealand
  15. Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

    That is correct You can see measurements on the webpage Go to Alliexpress and look up Crash Bars for Triumph Rocket 3 GT Waase is the seller and ask are the same measurements as per the drawing on your website as I know a man in New Zealand had a lot of trouble to get them to fit
  16. Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

    Will try to send photos i am not good on a computer