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  1. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    Mine was the actual headgasket. Estimate is 1800.00. Waiting to get it back.
  2. Pdupps

    Thunderbird Question on Forks

    Thanks! That makes me feel better.
  3. Pdupps

    Thunderbird Question on Forks

    Hey guys! My Rockett iii is still in the shop 😞. In the meantime I have my Magna, but not super comfortable for the wife. Did some dealing and wheeling an acquired a new bike lol. It's an 2010 Honda Stateline 1300. Super clean only 3K on it. Terrible ride, not for me. So a local dealership has...
  4. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    I re-tourqed the bolts, no luck 😔
  5. Pdupps

    New Rocket III Touring Owner

    Congrats on the new bike! I recently got a rocket iii touring as well! Love it! Welcome from Louisiana, USA!
  6. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    Well, didn't do me any good lol Cleaned everything real good and had dye in the oil. It's pretty obvious with the uv that's it coming from the head. I dropped it off last Saturday at the dealership. They are about 2 weeks behind so just waiting right now. They said they would give an estimate...
  7. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    Thanks! That makes me feel alot better! Gonna focus on the VC gasket this evening when i get home. If I can't find any issues with it, gonna re-tourqe and clean everything and see if that solves if it, if not gonna take the cover off and replace the gasket. Cheap fixes first right! 😆
  8. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    Thanks so much for the help! I put on the glasses and hit them both with the UV light. Both where clean. My wife decided to look and pointed out there was some leakage around the valve cover, but looked fairly light with the dye, also the gasket (where I could see) looked good. Same with the...
  9. Pdupps

    Oil Leak on 08 R3 Touring

    Hey guys, I recently sprung an oil leak on my 08 Rocket III Touring that has me scratching my head. Was hoping some else might have ran into this before. It doesn't leak at all in short runs 15 mins, no matter how hard i ride it. It seems to only start leaking in longer runs. 30 mins or so. It's...
  10. Pdupps

    Finally Picked Up A Rocket!!

    Thanks! This bike is so much different than any other bike I've been on! First off it's huge! Like pictures do not do any justice to the size of this beautiful beast! I was a tad bit intimated at first, but once i got on's balanced so well! The only thing I've been on close to it was a...
  11. Pdupps

    Finally Picked Up A Rocket!!

    I'm in Ruston Louisiana. I picked up the bike from Sarasota FL. It was an 1 owner. Got an amazing bike and made an amazing friend as well!
  12. Pdupps

    Finally Picked Up A Rocket!!

  13. Pdupps

    New Member, Interested in the Rocket 3

    Not sure If I can pm just yet. Went I tried it said error. Said I had to add webmaster to the conversation. Then I read that PMs are limited to new users until they hit 10 posts.
  14. Pdupps

    New Member, Interested in the Rocket 3

    Sounds like your son in law had a really rough ride. Glad he made it through it. Hope he is healing up well! Thats an interesting proposition on building my own. Frames don't look bad on ebay at all. I just don't think I'm ready to dig in that much on a bike just yet. I'm still kinda new to...
  15. Pdupps

    New Member, Interested in the Rocket 3

    Hey guys! New member. A little background. My first bike was an Honda XR 80 when I was kid. Ended up with Honda Shadow 750 in my late teens, early 20s. Got it practically for free, was gave to me after giving a friend some car parts. Started working off and sold the bike right before I got...