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  1. caddydaddy

    Cylinder liner removal

    Is there a particular type of Titebond sealant to use?
  2. caddydaddy

    Valve spring compressor?

    Perfect! That’s exactly what I was looking for!
  3. caddydaddy

    Valve spring compressor?

    Do you know if there’s any motorcycle specific ones that work? I’m sure the Triumph one is expensive.
  4. caddydaddy

    Cylinder liner removal

    Is the Triumph cylinder liner removal the best tool to get the liners out? I have an issue where coolant is getting into the oil. I pulled the head off and I can’t see anything wrong with the head gasket. Wondering if it’s a leaking liner where it seals to the block or maybe one is cracked? I...
  5. caddydaddy

    Valve spring compressor?

    What valve spring compressor are you using for the 2300? I have the head off and want to remove the valves to clean them up.
  6. caddydaddy

    Coolant in oil

    I installed a new water pump, just incase that was the issue. Nope, still getting milky oil. Dang it! So, I guess it is the head gasket. Still can’t believe it’s bad after 34,000 miles! I’ve just been riding it locally and commuting to work until I can read up on what’s involved in replacing...
  7. caddydaddy

    Coolant in oil

    About a month ago I had a coolant hose burst at the water pump. I of course installed new hoses and a new o-ring for the pump. I can’t imagine the o-ring would be bad so soon, unless I damaged it when reinstalling it when I fixed the detent spring. I thought that large o-ring was only to keep...
  8. caddydaddy

    Coolant in oil

    I just had the front of the engine torn apart to replace the detent spring. Now after 313 miles, the oil looks horrible! I changed the oil and it’s getting dark again after 6 miles. I’ve also noticed that the coolant level in the reservoir is going down. Since I just had the water pump off to...
  9. caddydaddy

    Hard to get into any gear!

    Yes, it does seem a lot sloppier than before.
  10. caddydaddy

    Hard to get into any gear!

    It wasn’t popping out of gear, it has a hard time engaging a gear, up or down.
  11. caddydaddy

    Hard to get into any gear!

    Someone had suggested that, and it was fine. I did tighten it up a bit more and still the same. I’d think that even with the cable not adjusting correctly, it could still go up and into a gear? Hitting the shift lever provides no resistance up or down at times.
  12. caddydaddy

    Hard to get into any gear!

    My 2017 Roadster suddenly did not want to go into 3rd gear. I tried a few times while it was rolling and after several attempts, got it into gear. It kept going into false neutrals. The gear indicator would show it was in a gear, but it was not. I could get it into all of the gears, but each one...
  13. caddydaddy

    New Rocket 3R owner from the coast of NC

    Welcome! I'm in Wilson, NC
  14. caddydaddy

    LMS exhaust

    Looks awesome!
  15. caddydaddy

    Hi, I am new here!

  16. caddydaddy

    Hello to everyone

  17. caddydaddy

    How Do You Answer the Question???

    It will definitely go faster than I dare to ride it! Maybe I’m just getting old. haha
  18. caddydaddy

    How Do You Answer the Question???

    I don't get as many questions as I used to. Not sure if my bike scares people or what!? My last bike, a blue Sprint 1050, would get lots of questions.
  19. caddydaddy

    Miss a Payment on Your Air Vest and "No Air For You!"

    I'd think that the electronics would be sealed up against water. What vest are you using?
  20. caddydaddy

    Miss a Payment on Your Air Vest and "No Air For You!"

    I've seen those and thought that it would suck if you forgot to charge the battery, or it died, or if you forgot to renew the subscription! I guess it's like insurance, make sure it's paid!