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  1. Old Gringo

    New to the Rocket World

    Welcome and happy trails.
  2. Old Gringo

    Hello new again Rocket III Touring owner

    Welcome and happy trails.
  3. Old Gringo

    Hello, new R3R owner, need help with Windshield, forward controls, comfort measures.

    Welcome and Happy Trails. I own a 2013 T and don't have much more desire for speed other than the D and D pipes, K&N and tune. Thankfully, I've never had to ride I-10 in Houston. I hate that road even in my 3/4 ton RAM diesel.
  4. Old Gringo

    Looking for a used R3, what years are best?

    Welcome and happy trails.
  5. Old Gringo


    Welcome and happy trails.
  6. Old Gringo

    new member ontario canada 2014 rocket 3 touring

    Welcome and happy trails. I love my T.
  7. Old Gringo

    crash bars work

    Maybe the wife should "drive" next time??? Just kidding. I've laid a Sportster down and I've laid a Kingpin down. The Sportster was easy to get up. The Kingpin was much harder. I hope I never have to lift my R3T up off the ground.
  8. Old Gringo

    Why do you love motorcycles?

    To me it's almost like an orgasm for my mind. I'm still me, but riding makes me feel a little different, a little more adventurous, a little more daring. Sitting on my bike is more comfortable than sitting in my truck. A long ride is tiring at the end of the ride, never during. A motorcycle...
  9. Old Gringo

    New Riii touring rider

    Welcome and happy trails.
  10. Old Gringo

    Hello from the new guy in sunny (and HOT) FLA!

    Welcome and happy trails.
  11. Old Gringo

    Old member... Returning

    Welcome back and happy trails.
  12. Old Gringo

    Mistaken Identity

    I'm putting my house up for sale (my wife wants a pool and it costs too **** much to put one in, so I'll just buy a new home with one already installed. You never get back what you paid for a pool when your house sells). So, I'm moving stuff out of my garage in preparation for the sale. I...
  13. Old Gringo

    Jokes only Scots will understand

    Actually, I "got" six of them. The might as well have written them in Klingon.
  14. Old Gringo

    I'm Baaaack!

    Welcome back and am glad you found your way. I'm cleaning out my garage and moving my III to storage for a few days. Even a short three mile ride will enable me to have at least a couple of orgasms on the trip. When I get rid of my III, I'll be through riding. Nothing out there to take its...
  15. Old Gringo

    R3 on its way to me in CT, USA

    Welcome and happy trails.
  16. Old Gringo

    The cost of honor? it's $60

    Welcome and happy trails. Sorry about your "problem." It's hard to believe he reneged on only $60 or any amount, for that matter. Not all Vietnam vets are great. I was in a Marine infantry unit in VN back in 1966 - 1967. I'm not a renegger, but I am a pervert. We all can't be perfect.
  17. Old Gringo


    Welcome and happy trails.
  18. Old Gringo

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    Have any of yawl had sex with your bike, yet? Sounds like some of you were getting turned on. At any rate, welcome aboard, Chance Wirey.
  19. Old Gringo


    Holy Moly...I thought I might be the oldest Rocket Captain at 68 (I'll turn 69 in about three weeks), but 70 has me beat. About two weeks before I traded my Victory Kingpin in on my R3T, I dropped it twice...on the same day. Never dropped it before and didn't drop it afterwards. The culprit...
  20. Old Gringo


    Welcome and good luck in finding the right bike.