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  1. ciderbaby

    Can't find TPMS on instrument screen

    The quick shifter and TPMS are extras and need to be activated by the dealer diagnostic equipment. Is it possible the dealer never activated it ? I had the instrument cluster replaced recently and they forgot to activate the Bluetooth
  2. ciderbaby

    Rider Modes

    A smooth right hand works best. You've got TC and ABS on road mode as well so I've never bothered with rain mode
  3. ciderbaby


    Has anyone fitted a GPS tracker to their R3 ? I've been looking at this one Bike theft is a huge issue here ATM. The law won't allow the police to chase scumbags on mopeds if they're not wearing helmets !!!!!!! This obviously means that bike thieves uniform of...
  4. ciderbaby


    Would you not just polish the alloy ? There's a bit more maintenance to keeping the finish but chroming alloy can be hit and miss
  5. ciderbaby

    2020 R3 GT key fob replacement

    ........ make sure your riding gear is dirty and not smelling like a bouquet of flowers 😂
  6. ciderbaby

    Instrument panel loose

    Ok I had this problem when my replacement cluster was fitted. The two bolts that go in at either side horizontally are tight but the two pinch underneath are not tightened enough. Loosen the bolts off - tightened up the pinch bolts until it feels right to adjust the angle of the clocks by hand...
  7. ciderbaby


    Ok here's my experience. I have a Xiaomi MI 11 and I've had a Sena and now run a Cardo Freecom. Initially it was an absolute pain to connect all 3. I eventually managed by accident to get them connected. The Sena was a nightmare. Every time I would turn off the bike I would have trouble...
  8. ciderbaby

    CarPlay & GPS screens - I did a thing, show me yours.

    In Ireland we get cold rain in the winter and warm rain in the summer 😂
  9. ciderbaby

    CarPlay & GPS screens - I did a thing, show me yours.

    I've been looking at these also for my R. It currently have a quad lock set-up but because I couldn't get a specific case for my phone I don't trust the stick on lock on my case.
  10. ciderbaby

    Pulled the trigger on R3 Storm GT yesterday...Not too impressed with dealer about options to add.

    When I read about the module and GPS I foolishly thought I'd somehow have maps on the cluster. While I like the way you can control your music through it and a GoPro (not my thing) I could have that on a stand alone sat nav or android carplay unit. If I where to start again I would go the...
  11. ciderbaby

    Pulled the trigger on R3 Storm GT yesterday...Not too impressed with dealer about options to add.

    I have the connectivity module. I got €2.5k free accessories with mine. It was a toss up between the quick shifter or Bluetooth and while I know I'm a lazy barsteward flicking my toe up and down isn't a big deal even for me 😂 hindsight I think I would go with a GPS mount and an android...
  12. ciderbaby

    I could use some advise with insurance..

    I worked in insurance for 13yrs but I'm based in understanding would be that you are the registered and are thus entitled to keep it if you wish less their salvage value. You then have the balance to repair the bike. With an engineers report it can go back on the road. I did...
  13. ciderbaby

    New boy.

    Well wear and welcome aboard
  14. ciderbaby

    Another oil leak story

    Last week I went for a 4 hr trip on the R3. I was washing the bike after and thought I saw traces of an oil leak but I was a bit too quick with the snow foam to investigate properly. I headed out again yesterday and there's definitely oil coming from somewhere. I've read about leaks from the...
  15. ciderbaby


    Just spotted this on Facebook
  16. ciderbaby

    2.5 3R (GT) 30k Mile Forks Service (including seals)

    Makes sense 👍
  17. ciderbaby

    2.5 3R (GT) 30k Mile Forks Service (including seals)

    Great write up but can I just ask why you would change the seals unless they were leaking
  18. ciderbaby


    Glad that worked out well 👍
  19. ciderbaby


    Welcome along from Ireland
  20. ciderbaby

    New one here

    Welcome 17k you must like getting lost traveling home from work 😂