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  1. Al Burdon

    Front tyre for a trike

    I had a local bike shop who was listed by the distributor order one and it took about 3 days to be delivered.
  2. Al Burdon

    Front tyre for a trike

    10 to 15 k depending on how hard i push it.
  3. Al Burdon

    Front tyre for a trike

    I use a 150/80-17 F230 Tour Master Shinko Front Tyre on my sidecar and it performs well
  4. Al Burdon

    Front brake switch issue ?

    Check the switch on right handle bar I have replaced mine twice ( there pretty flimsy). I got mine here...
  5. Al Burdon

    2015 Roadster Mid Control change and brake bleeding

    To bleed ABS roadster you need the Android Tune Ecu and OBD2 adaptor. It will allow you to cycle the abs during the bleed operation.
  6. Al Burdon

    backfiring and poping while down shifting

    Yep I've nearly shat myself when rapidly down shifting as well but not sure that its specific to Rockets though.
  7. Al Burdon


    BBZ on stock roadster bars
  8. Al Burdon

    Your email bounched I tried instead. Al

    Your email bounched I tried instead. Al
  9. Al Burdon

    I have pdf's of both the DEcosse instillation and setup instructions plus the remote pairing...

    I have pdf's of both the DEcosse instillation and setup instructions plus the remote pairing instructions for the brain unit if the first instructions do not work. I have had to re pair the remote twice. Reply with you email as the forum does not allow pdf's to be posted Cheers Al
  10. Al Burdon

    New Hack from the States

    You have several options: 1: Wider handle bars 2: Change the fork angle with replacement triple tree. 3: Trail reducing plates 4: Leading Link I have a R3R outfit and have a leading link. If your bike is correctly set up a steering damper should not be needed. Although I have my leading link...
  11. Al Burdon

    Foot Rails Swap

    No the Classic and roadster master cylinders are not interchangeable The brake pedal set up is different as well.
  12. Al Burdon

    Engine doen't like over 95 degree ambient Temp.

    I've a 2013 R3R and ride have ridden in up to 42 C here (107F) with no change to engine running although I do have the fan set to cut in at a lower temp via tune ecu. Summer time rides are regularly in the mid to high 30s (95 f is 35 C) Check where the fuel lines are running could be vapor...
  13. Al Burdon

    Rocket sidecar build

    I am using the shifter from a 95 thunderbird it fits directly on the spline and does away with all the linkages
  14. Al Burdon

    ABS Brake Bleed Question

    Tune ECU now has the ABS bleed function. I have used it and it works fine. Prior to this i would bleed as normal then ride and brake to activate abs and then re bleed. If you bleed the system and top up the master without allowing air to enter you will be fine. As the ABS is not active while...
  15. Al Burdon


    Bend a coat hanger to hold float during removal. Welcome to the group
  16. Al Burdon

    For Sale Pcv & auto tune

    Can you post details of the tuner in Vic who will program the ECU.
  17. Al Burdon

    Just Fitted to the outfit

    As you can imagine the Roadster with a sidecar fitted is a hefty piece of gear sitting on the road. I just fitted a bullet brake which is a push activate non return valve on the front brakes which allows the front brake to be set while parked. Pulling the brake lever disconnects it so its idiot...
  18. Al Burdon

    Longest Life rear tire for Roadster?

    I fitted a sidecar so a car tyre has little effect on handling. Note: We don''t usually mention sidecar and handling in the same sentence. Yes you can wear one edge of tyre (here in Oz its the right hand side)
  19. Al Burdon

    Rocket sidecar duty

    Boog the most important rule for riding a Rocket with a chair is "Make sure its pointed in the right direction before applying the throttle". It has more than enough grunt to break traction as well as overide the steering effect of the front...