Exactly same thing happened to my 13 roadster after being sat all winter fluid level ok I pumped the pedal quite a few times stationary and it all came back to normal?
Hi Eric , I have the same set up as you are getting, tors,ramair,crossover pipe and I downloaded this tune from the resources section and I'm happy with it "Hanso tune for 2014 + roadster,tors,triple/ramair filters,etc" check it out .
Mike don't let it concern you, my bike is exactly the same it dosent matter , whenever you need to check the oil level start it up for a minute then turn off and check , other than that it can do what it wants just enjoy !
Well this is an old thread but I've taken tal and idahos advice and just put a used crossover pipe I won on ebay on and with my tors and ramair and a hanso tune sounds and goes great and actually feels smoother at low revs, I'm chuffed to bits!