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  1. Starmanut

    Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

    Yeah. Make sure BOTH wheels are on the ground. You UK guys are confusing. :roll::roll: But we love you anyway.
  2. Starmanut

    Any older cold blooded Rockets other than mine?

    If it was a car, I'd say sand down the battery connectors. This is a stumper. Fuses are cheap. Try replacing that one (can't remember what "That" one is right now, though.) Hope you get it figured soon!
  3. Starmanut

    Best Comment from Non-Rocket Owner?

    I was in a grocery store parking lot in my home town last year, had my helmet on and getting ready to ride off when an older guy came up and started checking out my Rocket. He was very interested and we talked for a bit, I got around to asking his name and not recognizing him about fell over...
  4. Starmanut

    Hi all from New Member

    Welcome from Utah! Great choice you made!!
  5. Starmanut

    A Christmas Miracle

    That one would be my choice as well. (or the 221). Have Fun! And congrats from Utah!
  6. Starmanut

    I could use some advise with insurance..

    Thanks all!!! If they will give me the $6500 plus what addons they figure, I think I'll take that and give it up. I don't want to deal with it. Might be 6 month to a year before I could, anyway. I've got an attorney dealing with the medical side. I only need to deal with the bike. If they...
  7. Starmanut

    I could use some advise with insurance..

    Okay, I had a car make a left turn from my right across four lanes and in front of me. I down sided. spent 4 days in the ICU and another 3 in a private room. Totaled my left shoulder. Got a plate in my collar bone a week ago. My Rocket ended up about 30 yards up the street from where I stopped...
  8. Starmanut

    Finally made it!

    Well. You are going to get spoiled! Welcome from Utah!
  9. Starmanut


    The older Rockets already have a primary and secondary. I programmed my ECU to keep the secondary's open all the time.
  10. Starmanut

    Hello ! Just landed

    Welcome from Utah!!
  11. Starmanut

    It's R3 R a good option as a second bike?

    Yup. Once you get used to riding a Rocket, nothing else will do. And I have (had-whole new story) an older 2010 Touring. Get used to showing it off to other motorcycle enthusiasts!
  12. Starmanut

    Fuel Pump Replacement

    Well, you are quite the ambitious fellow! Nice! Just for the heck of it here's the only picture I have left of the one I had. It was a nice maroon color that doesn't show up well in the pic.
  13. Starmanut

    Sump pan bolt torque value

    I had the same thing on my 2010 Touring a few years back. I replaced the gasket, after I broke off 3 of the bolts (tried to tighten one to see if it would stop a slow oil leak). I bought all new bolts at the time I ordered the gasket. I THINK I was advised from here to go 10 Nm on them. Haven't...
  14. Starmanut

    Fuel Pump Replacement

    Oh, man! I bought a 1978 CB750K brand new. Did all my own work on it. Sure wish I still had it!! Curious where you got them...
  15. Starmanut

    Fuel Pump Replacement

    Thanks for those pics! That stuff looks brand new. Since you have an '05 I guess I can get another 5 years out of mine.
  16. Starmanut

    Fuel Pump Replacement

    And I'll add that a universal joint socket adapter will make getting around the frame to the front spark plugs much easier, too. Just changed all my plugs a few months ago. I was dreading that job, but it ended up being pretty straight forward. I had to replace a coil wire and boot, so...
  17. Starmanut

    For Sale 2008 Touring Silencers

    TORS move more air, hence a small power boost, but they are not going to sound like a triple Harley. I like mine!
  18. Starmanut

    Fuel Pump Replacement

    Yes, if it were me I'd get a new gasket. I have not replaced one, but read up on it because I thought I might have to. I found a lot of after market fuel pumps that will fit. Found out that the one in my Rocket and 1998 RAV 4 take the same fuel pump! 🤪 Do you have the service manual?
  19. Starmanut

    For Sale 2014 Rocket III Touring

    And that "140 Cubic Inch" oil tank emblem. 🤪
  20. Starmanut

    For Sale 2014 Rocket III Touring

    Dang, you really do have a lot of those addons! Even that chrome brake reservoir cover! Any buyer better get it all, cause they ain't gonna find 'em later!