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  • Users: 3-D
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  1. 3-D

    New 2.5L owner, things I hate about the motorcycle.

    Another answer is install crash bars and add highway pegs. Thus adding protection and the ability to change riding positions.
  2. 3-D

    Heat gaurd

    I saw a note in someone's post awhile back that there was information posted on ways of protecting your leg from the heat from the exhaust pipes on the rocket 3s. I am trying not to burn holes in my new rain pants so any notes/ideas on this would be appreciated. I've tried different searches...
  3. 3-D

    Want to Buy Trading Competition werkes exhaust for OEM exhaust

    In interested but I'm in Washington State. How much do the limiters quite the sound and how much do they effect the hp?
  4. 3-D

    Want to Buy Stock Exhaust

    Which slipons do you have? How much do the baffles effect the sound and hp?
  5. 3-D

    Pulled the trigger on R3 Storm GT yesterday...Not too impressed with dealer about options to add.

    Looks like they also help keep the hands warm??? How do they mount?
  6. 3-D

    new happy member lol

    Welcome from Washington State
  7. 3-D

    Hi all from New Member

    Welcome from Olympia, Washington State
  8. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    Problem solved by the dealer. They heated, bent, and painted the shift lever for me so it would fit, and removed some of the metal on the crash bar so everything fit perfect. I am very impressed with the job they did. Also, love the shift kit!!!
  9. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    Fit on which bike? Fits on the GT with a little work, don't know about the R. I did just take my bike to the dealer to have a Shift Assist installed and found that with the crash bars installed the leverage for the shift kit won't fit😒 Apparently the lower bar mount is in the way.
  10. 3-D

    Won’t start 😢

    Also check the kickstand switch. I was also thinking about the main 40 amp fuse receptacle on my bike as pulling that fuse will kill the bike under any condition. Might be loose connector to it. But now I'm reading several people having the same issue, changing how I'm looking at this...
  11. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    My bike basically fell on me. I didn't get my leg out from under it in time and it really raised hell with my knee. This is my main concern, protecting me. I also feel like this system will take quite a beating before something breaks... but țhen I am not an engineer.
  12. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    They are very sturdy and mount strong. I don't see any weakness and I'm very happy with them.
  13. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    Went with this set from Mad Hornets. These are available in silver or black. A little tricky to install but very solid and well made. I wasn't able to use the spacers that came with it, but used washers instead to get the proper fit. They did take several weeks to ship but all in all I'm very...
  14. 3-D

    Competition Werx Exhaust

  15. 3-D

    Competition Werx Exhaust

    Can you use the Comp Werkes with Panniers on the bike?
  16. 3-D

    Won’t start 😢

    Don't know if you've tried this yet or not but mine did the exact same thing. After spending 20 minutes trying to chase it out I grabbed the battery terminals and twisted them at the battery with force. Negative did not budge but the positive just budged a little. I tightened up both terminals...
  17. 3-D

    Where are you seeing this at, I don't know where to look.

    Where are you seeing this at, I don't know where to look.
  18. 3-D

    Pics of Roadster with Black Crash Bars on Front/Back?

    Are you still in Oly?
  19. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    Amazon has a few available. One set looks interesting. Thinking they might be from China as it's several weeks to get them.
  20. 3-D

    Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    Ouch...but they do look good.