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  1. scot in exile

    New to Triumph

    Highly recommend a pair of high heels and some fingernail extensions it worked great for Dr D, welcome and enjoy the bike.
  2. scot in exile

    Here is a story.

    Remove the gears 1-5 they are obviously not needed, plus less weight equals more speed
  3. scot in exile

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    I'm fine in case anyone was wondering(bloody ungrateful colonials)
  4. scot in exile

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    I remember this came up quite a few years before your sexy arse showed up, the owner of the site owns the rights for the RAA name, it has maybe changed over the years .
  5. scot in exile

    Cleaning the Bike

    Jay tell Wenry to get her butt out of the house and clean your bike,(let us know how it turns out):eek:
  6. scot in exile

    Cleaning the Bike

    We will probably get a wee bit of rain Fred but as usual, greedy Chris(tripps) is taking the brunt of it and not sharing with us guys to the west.
  7. scot in exile

    Cleaning the Bike

    I removed the rear wheel to clean the underside of the bike as we all do, while I am at it, I may as well install a new tire
  8. scot in exile

    Parts For Sale - 2005 Classic

    My memory might be getting a wee bit fuzzy but the first year of the classic was 2006?
  9. scot in exile

    Boss Hoss vs Rocket 3

    The lion is not the most powerful beast in the jungle but we still call him the King, same with the Boss big and powerful that is why it is the King does not matter if he is no good at ballet.
  10. scot in exile

    Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

    I bought and still have my April 2005 Rocket along with a few others.
  11. scot in exile

    Boss Hoss vs Rocket 3

    The boss hoss is the king of the jungle the rocket can only look on and sigh,
  12. scot in exile

    swapping parts from my 2005 rocket to 2016

    Yes it will fit , my Corbin seat gets the pleasure of my big arse on a 2005/2011/2018 rocket
  13. scot in exile

    Bike is coming out of storage, what should I focus on?

    if fuel was left in the tank you will probably have some swollen or even cracked fuel lines inside the tank plus the fuel filter might be a wee bit suspect.
  14. scot in exile

    For your info on the Radiator cap set screw.

    The second thing I removed twenty years ago right after the safety warning labels.
  15. scot in exile

    Hi from Fife in Scotland.. Just got my Rocket and wondering if anyone nearby has one also?

    I am from Glenrothes but live in Florida, left Fife after the coal miners strike84/85
  16. scot in exile

    When the cop knows you are telling porky pies

    When the cop asks you do you know how fast you are going you say sorry no idea.
  17. scot in exile

    How Long Have You Owned Your Rocket

    Hope the truck was okay:)
  18. scot in exile

    How Long Have You Owned Your Rocket

    Yir just a young wean Kipper, one of my Rockets I bought in April 2005 still in my garage.
  19. scot in exile

    Crate Engine???

    The thought of seeing Mel in his boots puffing away on his pipe keeps me going, still have two Rockets Fred just sold one a few weeks ago :)
  20. scot in exile

    Crate Engine???

    Engineering 101, beef up the frame, beef up the brakes it is nice being able to stop, beef up the suspension and last but not least beef up the engine.:) Good luck I hope you have deep pockets