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  1. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    My guy says the rear master leaks so off I go to find a rebuild kit and so far no luck. Triumph does not make this, only the full assembly of course! Anyone know any companies making one??? Hate to have to spend $268 for a complete assembly when that is not whats needed.
  2. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    Will do…leaving tomorrow. Been stuck up in N Florida due to the hurricane. Thanks man!
  3. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    ****…now it’s gonna be a mission. I was hoping for a fast n ez fix so I could sell the bike. I will have to double check n be sure I have ABS first when I get back home.
  4. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    Thank you again!
  5. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    I'm pretty sure it is ABS. I will try the fresh fluid first. Thank you Sir!
  6. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    Hey Herman...whats the fluid I buy???
  7. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    Wasn’t rode in 1-1/2 to 2 years so if I remember right he said it was froze. Will probably go the rebuild route…thanks for your imput!
  8. Old N' Grumpy

    Master Cylinder Failure

    One day when I hit the brakes on my 2014 nothing happened except the lever and foot brake went to the floor. Good thing I was just moving it and not riding!!! Had someone look at it and they determined that I need a master cylinder. So my question is should I spend the money on a complete unit...
  9. Old N' Grumpy

    DOT 4 the right brake fluid???

    I’m hanging in there. Got my share of problems but who doesn’t. Like the Doc says “it ain’t for the weak”.
  10. Old N' Grumpy

    DOT 4 the right brake fluid???

    How ya doing Herman??? Long time since I been on here. Missed your sense of humor and funny retorts!
  11. Old N' Grumpy

    DOT 4 the right brake fluid???

    Thank you for the education Sir! I know a little more today.
  12. Old N' Grumpy

    DOT 4 the right brake fluid???

    Likewise! Onward ho with the DOT 4 then. Thanks bud!
  13. Old N' Grumpy

    DOT 4 the right brake fluid???

    2014 DOT 4 what I want or DOT5.1 ???
  14. Old N' Grumpy

    Good God that's a beautiful bike!

    My first bike. I was like 16. Bought it on the sly. Parents went nuts and made me sell it as no motorcycles allowed said the RN (Mom). Had a few fun rides before it went.
  15. Old N' Grumpy

    Rocket hauler

    Lost my brand new $7000 aluminum trailer last year right out of my driveway! Lucky I had insurance so my loss was only $500...bastards!
  16. Old N' Grumpy

    Highway pegs

    Geez...thats from a longgggggg time ago. I'm having a senior moment and can't remember. I don't think so but I will look around when I get back home next week.
  17. Old N' Grumpy

    Whats with Triumph values

    Hey...I love my ICE vehicles and toys too but as things move forward so does battery technology. As far as cancer goes so should 5G wireless and smart meters on your house. Cancer causing agents are all over.
  18. Old N' Grumpy

    Whats with Triumph values

    Agreed but in the meantime states like Cali and NY already say no ICE vehicles will be sold I think it was either 2030 or 2035. These tyrants can do it by making gas virtually un-affordable or non-existent. Time will tell.
  19. Old N' Grumpy

    Whats with Triumph values

    IMO in 5-7 years anything internal combustion will have little value as electric becomes more prevalent in both cars and bikes.
  20. Old N' Grumpy

    What happens after your motorcycle is stolen?

    I feel your pain. Just had a $6500 aluminum trailer stolen right out of my driveway (useless German Shepherd). I had registration, bill of sale, pictures of the trailer in my driveway you would think that would be enough. They made me feel like a victim when they brought in a special...