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  1. krothnbrg

    Wierd idle issues

    One more thing. I just went up to and they are showing two TPS's Throttle Position Sensor, PRI Throttle Position Sensor, SEC Not really sure which to get...
  2. krothnbrg

    Wierd idle issues

    All, Thanks for the welcome back. I'll poke around to see if I can take a look around to see how I can see what the TPS is doing or what it'd take to replace it. I'm also going to try the Seafoam to see if it just needs to be cleaned out first. Path of least resistance and all that. Oh and...
  3. krothnbrg

    Wierd idle issues

    First of all... it's been a few years (and a divorce) since I've been on the forum. I still have my Rock and right now having a little bit of an idle issue. Here's what's happening... 2008 R3 Standard with 52K miles. Owing to a nasty leg injury (jet skiing) I was off the bike for about 14...
  4. krothnbrg

    Identifying idiot lights

    I fiddled with it some more... discovered both the pos and neg battery cables to be loose (accidental discovery). After snugging those up, the indicator did in fact reset and now it's not lit up. I wonder if it could have been something that easy..
  5. krothnbrg

    Identifying idiot lights

    Thanks, Watcher. I'm thinking it may be the check engine light. Of course that means I need to get it plugged into a diagnostics set-up to see what the code is. Ugh...
  6. krothnbrg

    Identifying idiot lights

    I have a light illuminated on my 2008 Rocket III standard. It looks like a little picture of an engine. I thought it was for coolant but that appears to be topped off just fine. Oil is fine too. Does anyone know what that light is supposed to be telling me? Karl PS - It's been at least a few...
  7. krothnbrg

    Locating the VSS

    It's ind of a suprise. So for now this is what I'll say... I have a motorcycle related blog site ( and am also a member of a handful of discussion groups (motorcycle related). I was approached by a guy who is developing a tail light that works like a brake light with one...
  8. krothnbrg

    Locating the VSS

    I'm getting ready to install a safety tail light for the Rock and I'm told the most difficultpart will be locating the VSS. Does anyone know what the VSS is and how to find it? Karl PS... I haven't been here for quite a while. Busy busy busy....
  9. krothnbrg

    Classic handlebars

    Okay so... I have the Standard R3. My handlebars got tweeked and well... I have to replace them. So I'm thinking about going with the handlebars that areused for the R3 Classic. I like them wider and pulled back a bit more. I noticed that the kit includes "Hoses and cables". But what I'm...
  10. krothnbrg

    A shameless plug

    I haven't posted here in quite some time. But I wanted to invite everyone to take a look at my new motorcycling related blog site at Twist the Grip Feel free to comment on the posts that are already there and subscribe so you get email updates whenever there's a new post. You can even follow...
  11. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    AtomSplitter... this actually answers my question perfectly. Thank you oh wise one... :-)
  12. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    "Great minds think alike...." or is it "fools seldom differ..."
  13. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    Cool... now I know... but i thought that was called the final drive. :-)
  14. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    Question: After it was done did you notice any difference in the feel of the bike? Not that I'm thinking about this, I realize that on acceleration it just didn't seem to grab as well as I thought it should. I wrote it off as my own quirk but now I;m wondering. So if it really wasn't...
  15. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    I took it to SoCal Triumph/Victory/Ducati in Brea. They are on Lambert off the 57 freeway.
  16. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    Update: I took the bike in on Saturday based on the comments here. Talked to the mechanic s few minutes ago and here's what's going on. There are two wheel bearings and two "bevel-box" bearings that are bad and need to be replaced. The good news is that Triumph is covering it all under...
  17. krothnbrg

    Extreme Pillion Seat modifications

    I have the Triumph pillion gel seat. A bit larger than the stock that came with the bike and it doesn't slope downward at the back. The wife likes it... though (not being mean or insulting here) she's not that large so I don't know how it would work out for you. K
  18. krothnbrg

    Headlight Modulator

    This is an interesting topic. In my riding club there are a couple who have their bikes equipped with the modulators. I noticed them right away so they clearly draw the eye. But as mentioned above, I have also had them behind me and I find that they draw my eye. Which means if they are...
  19. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    No side to side movement. No wobble or anything like that. Sigh... Looks like I'll have to take it in. I just hope this is a warrantee item...
  20. krothnbrg

    Rear end problems... HELP!!!

    And no, I don't mean problems with my ass... Here's the situation. I'll try to give a brief and then as much of a detailed description as I can. Brief: I can hear the back tire spinning as though there is no oil in the final drive. Details: As I ride, I can hear what sounds like that...