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  1. Jaytee

    Did your 2020+ Rocket 3 Instrument Cluster glass crack?

    I am having this issue now aswell also in Australia. Hmmm... it let water in a shorted everything out made the bike do some wierd stuff it even sounded the horn at one point when I was trying to trickle charge the battery all in all it made the only thing that would work was my daytime running...
  2. Jaytee

    Lamonster vs Trik Union Jack tank pads

    Just Ordered Trik Set Thanks for the info
  3. Jaytee

    Hi... NSW Australia

    2021 R3 GT 3000km on it now looking for a front fairing like the Corbin but 6000 AUD to door (with audio) seems excessive? anybody have one are They worth it Thanks :)