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  1. Running issue (reposting)

    Did you ever get this sorted out? If so, what was the problem?
  2. Breakaway

    Sorry, bub, can't say. Got him with 2k on the odo and the Breakaway already there. It looks like the 5CPO2 but I can't say for sure. It has that flat, L-shaped anchor plate at the brake end. The others on the BA home page don't appear to. The only markings on it are on the plate under the...
  3. Breakaway

    I have one on my 2011 R3T. Fits fine and works as advertised. No problems. Had it off at one point as it wouldn't stay locked and had to readjust a little to get it back to normal but it will fit, all other things being equal. Has worked flawlessly since. I haven't had any slippage problems to...
  4. A Warm "Hey Y'all" from South Carolina

    Re Hey Y'all Um, you don't think it's kind of obvious? Birds of a feather... That's why I'm here.
  5. A Warm "Hey Y'all" from South Carolina

    Re Hey Y'all ...or a Hoosier.
  6. A Warm "Hey Y'all" from South Carolina

    Re Hey Y'all "I've never seen a situation so miserable that it can't be made worse by the presence of a Rocket Hooligan" Bill
  7. A Warm "Hey Y'all" from South Carolina

    Re Hey Y'all Thanks so much. We Americans don't use it much but "captain" is used a lot in the English-speaking world (or English-mangling in the case of the US and Aus, according to some) and I am familiar, no sweat. With regard to my service, I came from a military family (4th gen that I know...
  8. A Warm "Hey Y'all" from South Carolina

    I put my bikes in mothballs while stationed overseas (US Navy x 30 yrs, this year) for six years and after getting back found my long time companion and much beloved 98 Valkyrie didn't fit any longer. Actually it was the same, I just got older and couldn't do more than a hundred miles or so...
  9. Pcv/at

    Thanks All, thanks for the advice and the kind welcome. I had a tickle in the back of my mind re the sensor and didn't want to do anything stupid on account of brain fog. The winter has been unusually mild so I wasn't jonesing for some saddle time too badly. Took it as a sign from above. That...
  10. Pcv/at

    Greetings Brain Trust, long time lurker, first time poster, new owner - 11 R3T, 2k virgin. Added AT. Laptop down hard for the moment and can't tap into PCV. Does AT activate automatically in default settings or do you need to activate it through the PCV? If it does auto-activate, what are the...