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  1. G-Force Junkie

    Risers for the GT

    I have the Rox risers on my 2021 R3GT. Didn't have to extend any cables. I have pictures if you really want them.
  2. G-Force Junkie

    Free OEM exhaust 2013 r3t

    Come and get them, no cost. I'm usually home. Text me at 613-363-6563 to coordinate the pick-up.
  3. G-Force Junkie

    Free OEM exhaust 2013 r3t

    Where to? These are pretty heavy.
  4. G-Force Junkie


    Nope, if memory serves, nothing else. Surprised a tool kit wasn't an option though:)
  5. G-Force Junkie

    7.5 Key fuse Blowing out

    Anecdote: had a fuse in the lighting system blowing. (CB550) couldn't find the fault, so I put in a large fuse to see what would happen. The extra current melted the fine wiring that runs through the handlebars to the control switches. Ouch....swapped out the handlebars with a parts bike. In...
  6. G-Force Junkie

    Aftermarket indicators issue

    I'd like this question answered too. I'd like to tap into the lighting system as well to run some driving lights, etc. There are previous posts about turn signal faults being driven by incorrect software loads. So, no relays, but perhaps square waves generated by the computer module?...I...
  7. G-Force Junkie

    Panniers and Tumblers

    Shouldn't be too messy. Just rub a candle along the zipper teeth. No need for heat or anything like that. You can buy zipper lube but the wax works fine and costs nothing.
  8. G-Force Junkie

    Panniers and Tumblers

    Note: I waxed the zippers and it makes a noticeable difference. ...Any candle will do....
  9. G-Force Junkie


    Ditto, Cardo and never use the module. Not a big phone user. Only bought it for the next person really.
  10. G-Force Junkie


    Everything was an option ffs...want a 12v socket...option....
  11. G-Force Junkie

    Jurock replacement windshield fits Triumph Rocket III GT 2020 Models

    Th GP Kompozite on madstad brackets works great for me. Had it on for a few years. I drive with an open face helmet now. There's old threads with pics if you look.
  12. G-Force Junkie

    New Guy in Florida

    Just remember, it's meant to simulate taking off in a space shuttle. ....No, it won't shake itself apart, and yes, we all feel it. Enjoy.
  13. G-Force Junkie

    Low battery effecting my 2 year old GT.

    In my humble opinion.... 1. Once running, unless there is an alternator failure, the battery is invisible, The system will be sitting at the regulated voltage. So, unlikely that it was causing the misfiring. 2. A dead or disconnected battery requires the owner to "enable" the quick shifter in...
  14. G-Force Junkie

    Free OEM exhaust 2013 r3t

    I no longer own the bike. found these in storage. Not new, 10K on them. Pick-up in Avonmore, ON.
  15. G-Force Junkie

    Overfilled the tank and stalled out

    Gas pump Auto shut off failed on me and I overflowed the tank. on my R3GT. I had no performance issues after.
  16. G-Force Junkie

    Rear break master cylinder recall r3 gt

    Got my notice today by snail mail. -11 degrees today with ice and snow on the roads. Wife took the trailer when she "left". Guess I'm waiting for spring as well.
  17. G-Force Junkie

    Hello 👋

    Michigan eh? Maybe you can help us Canadians fund development of a front ski and rear track accessory kit.....LOL (Grew up in Windsor, ON) The group here is entertaining and educational. Nice to have you on board. Bike looks great!
  18. G-Force Junkie


    Occam's razor would suggest the most common failures. The battery or poor connection / conductivity at the battery terminal. All as suggested above. :)
  19. G-Force Junkie

    Hello, new to the forum

    Hi.. nice bike...A joke for you.... A bloke walks up to the reception at a veterinary's surgery in Barnsley.. Receptionist: Can I help you? Bloke: I want ter know ow much it'd be ter get mi cat seen to. Receptionist: Well the prices vary depending on the age, condition and gender of the cat. Is...
  20. G-Force Junkie

    Hi All, just joined the forum and bought this beast last week

    Have you unlocked the power yet? .....Loaded a new ECU MAP? I had a 2013 R3T, now have a 2021 R3GT :)