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  1. Luimoto Seat Cover

    Heck of an idea, might just steal that one!
  2. Luimoto Seat Cover

    Yes, you remove the old cover first. Anyone can do the install if they get a cheap air stapler and have some patience stretching the material.
  3. 1st issue with my 2024 Rocket 3

    I have this issue as well, the dealer replaced the O-rings and it still leaks. It is going back for them to diagnose again, I suspect they will put in a new sensor. Could be the current sensor housing is off a little?
  4. Luimoto Seat Cover

    I have the suede/leather read & black version. Aesthetically I think they add a really unique touch, and the suede on mine keeps you planted in the seat. Downside is that none of their options are waterproof. So every time it rains or you wash your bike the saddle will be wet for a long time...
  5. GT Exhaust Heat Sheilds

    You are not going to find a shield with more coverage. Try riding with your legs further out on the pegs, or maybe tighter fitting pants.